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And so two months passed on with Alya's training, which she then got used to after two weeks. Every week, teacher would increase each workout, and add other different and more difficult workouts for her to do. As her workouts increased, Nyx started visiting at least once a week to cheer her on or to feed her different delicacies. There were even times that Alya would open up to Nyx about her day, well mostly complaining about teacher. Good times.

"Carry that rock over there." Teacher said.


The so called rock was the size of a whale, she couldn't even move around it.

"Yes sir." She had already learned to not complain in front of him, so she just walked to the boulder and tried to lift it.


Alya has been carrying things like this for a month, so she wasn't surprised she could carry something heavier. The first few times were futile, a week later, she could hold it for a few seconds, two weeks, a few minutes, now she could hold it as long as she wants, even play with it.

"Drop it."

She dropped it carefully. Deep inside she was jumping out of excitement. She was strong now.

"Punch it."

And so she did. The moment she her fist hit the rock, the force shattered it, and all that was left was rubble.

"Good. As I've told you many times, strength is one thing, but endurance counts for many things. Alya, for one to be strong, one has to endure. You have endured indeed, this training session was supposed to be done in at least five months, but you have passed normal people's expectations, impressive."


'Did he just compliment me? I thought that would be never happen.'

"But don't count your luck yet, you haven't passed the test for strength yet."


A second later, the old man sat on the floor, with is cane on his legs. Alya understood what was going on, she tried it two months ago, and again a month ago, but no luck.

"If you're strong enough to lift me off the ground, you pass, and we move to the next part of training."

"Yes sir."

The closer she got to the man, the more pressure she felt. This was her only obstacle left to get to the next phase of training. She had run around the whole forest, climbed the tallest tree, carried gigantic boulders, and punched the hardest objects she knew to get to this level.

As soon as she held the old man, she used her strength to lift him off the ground. Her pressure was so much that the ground beneath her feet sunk deeper. She stared at the old man she was trying so hard to move, his smug smile annoyed the heck out of her. She increased her strength, and surprisenly, she could feel the slight movement, but it wasn't enough.

"Don't tell me that's all you've got, how disappointing."

"It's not!" She was getting angry.

"Then use it!"

Suddenly, the atmosphere around her felt tense, even the trees nearby felt it. She used all her strength which was very effective. She could feel him move more and more. in less than a minute, she successfully lifted him off the ground.

"I did it!"

"Seems so, congratulations." Teacher said, his tone was low and cold, but he was indeed satisfied. Alya was so happy she could cry, she had finally accomplished something.

Reincarnated; Nine Tailed Fox With A TemperWhere stories live. Discover now