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These creatures quickly dug their giant blunt claws deep in the ground, stopping them from moving further. The abrupt stop made their tails swing back so hard it crushed some nearby trees, shattering their trunks.

The girls stared bluntly at the damage they seemed to have caused.

“Let’s finish this before they cause more damage.” Nyx blurted out before running towards one of the monitors. Alya quickly followed suit and tried to jump on the other beast’s back before it could attack. It was not easy to jump on their backs, instead Alya landed on its tail.

Tomb monitors were swift on their feet despite their size, and they could wriggle their bodies to evade falling rocks. In short, these creatures were not supposed to be in this region, they belong in the mountains or underground.

She swiftly spun out her sharp claws and tried to climb up but before she could….


The beast shrieked and forcefully swung its huge tail, launching Alya several feet away until she crashed right into a tree.


Nyx herself was trying to hold the other one’s tail down and didn’t notice what was happening with the other two.

“Be careful, the tails are troublesome.” Nyx yelled then quickly brought out a sharp blade from her pouch and tried to slice it off.

Alya was on the ground beside the tree she brought down with her body, and on the bark of that tree was a crater she had created from the impact. Fortunately she wasn’t injured but it still hurt a bit. She glared at Nyx then turned to the beast.

The monitor was swiftly headed for Crisalis.

Alya gasped, quickly got up and jetted towards Crisal and the monster. She kicked the beast once again which sent it flying backwards until it crashed into a huge rock. Crisal swiftly drained the water from a few trees and trapped the beast in ice while it was down.

“Huuu….” Both girls sighed in relief.

Just as the girls thought they could relax for a while, they heard a cracking sound.


Just then Nyx spoke again, still focused on her own monitor and wasn’t paying attention to the others.

“Oh also, Crisal’s ice is ineffective, they're gonna break free at some point. Cut off the tail first if you want to make progress.”

The girls stared at the block of ice that continued to crack.

“Cilis, aim for the tail as soon as it breaks free.” Alya quickly told her what to do then swiftly brought out a sharp axe from her pouch.


Just then the beast burst free from the block of ice and quickly got up, ready to attack.

Just before Crisal could freeze its tail, the beast dug its huge spade under the enormous rock and lifted it off the ground. Alya and Crisal quickly stopped what they were doing.


Immediately the beast swiftly launched the rock right at them, but they quickly evaded before it hit them.

“What the heck!” Alya gritted.
The monitor kept on throwing rocks at them and the girls swiftly dodged each of them, but they had to end this quickly. The rocks were destroying that part of the forest.

The rocks were also affecting Nyx because the monitor she was with kept on evading them by wriggling its body, including its tail which Nyx was sitting on.

“What're you girls doing?” Nyx yelled as she struggled to hold on to its tail.

As soon as it was out of rocks, it started to dig up the soil.

“Oh heck no!”

Alya ran towards it and used her strength to punch one of its eyes.


Alya quickly turned to Crisalis.

“Ice its tail, before it recovers!”

Immediately a huge amount of water darted towards the monitor’s tail and froze it. Before it could notice its tail was stuck in ice, Alya jumped forward and used the sharp and heavy axe she was holding to slice off its tail.


“Finally!” Alya and Crisal sighed.

They knew it was not over yet, they still had to deal with the rest of it.

Alya landed far away from the beast with a giant bloodied axe over her shoulder. A smile played on her cute lips as she stared down at the dissected tail wriggling on the floor. Her face was red and flustered as sweat trickled down causing strands of her red hair to stick to her face.

Her fox canines were slightly visible as she opened her mouth to say something.

“Next is the rest of its bod……!”


Instantly her face froze in realization

‘Since when did I get used…… this?!’

Her legs gave way the moment she thought this, and her surroundings quickly turned blurry. She went down on her knees, and placed the axe, as well as her hands, on the ground.

‘how is it just now that I realize this?!’

She started to mumble to herself. She asked  questions she had forgotten to ask herself.

‘how did I just accept this?’

‘this is not normal…..!’

‘from back then……to now?’


‘Am i…….completely insane?’

‘Am i…….normal?’

While she was thinking about how her life had turned….not one-eighty, but a never before, seen angle, the others were still fighting.

Nyx had finally cut off the other monitor’s tail with a sharp sword and had also pierced its two eyes, blinding it permanently. She went to see how the others were doing when she found a certain redhead on her knees.

With a furrowed brow, she ran up to her to find out what was going on. Meanwhile Crisal was left alone, still fighting the monitor by shooting large icicles at it.

“Hey….what’s going on?” Nyx looked down at Alya who was still facing the ground in utmost shock. Alya didn’t respond and just kept mumbling to herself.


Nyx bent down to her level and shook her, but she still didn’t respond. She  tried yelling at her but still no response.

She kicked her, pushed her and also dragged her hair but still, nothing.

“What is wrong with you?” Nyx mumbled with a deep frown. She heard her mumbling a bit so she brought her face closer to listen.

“How did this happen? This is not normal….. Am I insane? How did I get used to this?”

“Huh? What?”

Alya kept on repeating the same thing. Something was definitely off.

“Come on, we still have to kill these things.”

There was still no response, only mumbling.

Nyx thought of something and swiftly checked her surroundings, then she sniffed the air for something familiar.

“Is it?”

She quickly held Alya’s face up to look at her for confirmation. The moment she did, her face froze.

‘Damn it!’

Happy new year everyone! Sorry for the late updates. There is a slight change in chapter one so I recommend you please read it. This year 2024 is gonna be different, one to two chapters every week I hope. Thanks to everyone for staying with my novels till 2024. Have a happy new year🙂🙂

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