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Morning came fast and the sun was quickly rising.

The sun rays seeped through Alya's window, and landed on her face. Her hair shone, and her face seemed transparent and delicate. Seconds later, her eyelids flew open to reveal beautiful red fiery orbs. Her blood red lips quirked up, she seemed excited.

Alya quickly got up from the bed and walked towards the door. She had forgotten to ask Nyx where the bathroom was, and she really needed it. She hadn't used the bathroom for a whole day, she also needed a bath.

She opened the door which led to the hallway. She glanced at the three door confusedly. Nyx's room was beside hers, which meant that the bathroom could be either of the two doors facing her.

'Maybe this one?'

She walked towards the one facing Nyx's door and tried to open it, unfortunately, it was locked. She grunted as she tried pushing and pulling, but all was in vain.

'What's in here?'

The door had some strange carvings on it, like a language of some sort, but Alya couldn't figure it out.

She didn't think much about it, she walked to the other door and turned the knob. Luckily the door opened without much stress. She quickly ran inside, but found another strange scene in front of her.

The walls and floor were made of stone, with two windows facing each other. There was a big stone bath tub attached to the wall, with two stones attached to the edge of the tub.

The stones had strange carvings, one blue, and the other was red. There was a small hole in the middle of the two stones.

On the other side, was a stone sink, and a mirror on the wall, right above it. The sink also had the same stone attached to it, with blue carvings, and a hole next to it.

And at the far corner of the room was a stone structure, which looked like a toilet. the same blue stone with blue carvings was embedded on top. There was some toilet paper at the side, but no water.

Alya was so confused, the bathroom looked so simple, yet so complex. She stood there flustered, and angry.

"Seriously? What is this?"

"What's what?" A faint and lazy voice asked casually.

Alya quickly turned to find Nyx staring at her, with a white towel draped over her shoulder. Alya sighed in relief and hesitantly walked over to where Nyx was. Luckily she had someone to help her, with her current predicament.

"How does this work?"

"The bathroom?" Nyx asked, unsure of what she was talking about.

Alya nodded.

Nyx stared down at Alya. She had also forgotten to tell Alya about this, since she was sure that her last life was nothing like hers.

'This may be hard to explain.'

Nyx silently walked towards the stone tub, and touched the stone with red carvings.

Suddenly the carving started to glow,and hot water gushed out from the small hole, into the tub.

Alya was dumbstruck, her gaze was fixed on the flowing water. The tub was getting filled with hot water as the steam filled the room. Before the tub was halfway full, Nyx withdrew her hand from the stone, which stopped the flowing water.

"This only works when one infuses mana into the stones." Nyx stated as she placed her hand on the stone with blue carvings. The carving glowed like the former one, but cold water gushed out instead.

Reincarnated; Nine Tailed Fox With A TemperOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora