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Back in Nyth, the sun was setting. The sun just above the horizon was a beautiful scene to behold. The mixture of red, orange and purple never looked to good together. The wind swirled through the grass, causing it to rustle.

Walking through the field of grass were two figures, a girl with two tails led the way, while the girl with one tail slacked behind.

The red head at the back sighed tiredly and groaned.

"Are we there yet?"

"Do you see any towns or buildings here? I think I just answered your question."

"But..... we've been walking for hours. When will we get there?"

Nyx sighed in frustration.

"You talk too much."

"Speak for yourself."

Nyx could only roll her eyes as she continued forward.

"So, how did you come into this world? I'm surprised you don't know anything about it." Nyx knew she wasn't just born yesterday, and even someone who lived a sheltered life would still know something.


Nyx knowingly hit her forehead with her palm.

"Of course, I should've known...duh."

"Wait, you believe that?"

"Uh huh, it's possible. I've heard of someone who did. It's extremely rare though."

"So the old man wasn't joking?"

Nyx looked back, confused.

"What old man?"

"Oh, nothing."


Minutes passed and it was nightfall, when they reached a forest, not like the one that Alya saw earlier. The forest was filled with weird looking trees and bushes. There were sounds of strange animals howling and growling in the night, and Alya didn't like it one bit. She felt that the forest was giving an eerie vibe, and backed away.

"Are we really going in there?"

"Mmhmm." Nyx answers with no expression.

"Isn't there another way?"

"Unless you can fly, then no."

"But it's so dark in there, what if we wait till dawn? We'll be killed if we aren't careful." Alya was terrified. Now that she knew about monsters, she didn't want to move an inch from where she was. Nyx sighed, grabbed her hand, and smiled reassuringly.

"Then we'll be careful. Don't worry, I can protect us." She pulled Alya with her and entered the dense forest.

Minutes passed and luckily there were no signs of trouble. Alya stuck to Nyx like glue as they walked through the forest. The howling and growling got louder and louder. Alya was more scared by the second.

"Are we almost out?" She asked quietly as her lips quivered.

"We're already at the center of the forest, don't worry."

"Just the center?"

"Don't... worry." Nyx repeated and tried to pet her head, but Alya quickly swatted it away. Nyx rubbed her hand dejectedly.

"What were you trying to...."

Just before Alya could finish, a loud growl boomed in their ears. Alya was very terrified, she forgot what she wanted to say and held Nyx tightly.

"What was that?"

Nyx found out where the sound was coming from and pushed Alya behind her.

"Stay close."

Reincarnated; Nine Tailed Fox With A TemperOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant