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The next day the girls packed for Crolis.

Since Nyx wasn't staying long she took a few things, but Alya didn't know how long she will be there, so she packed a lot. By the time they were done, Alya's tummy rumbled.

"Ah I'm hungry." Alya looked like she was about to faint.

"Let's go out to eat mmm?" Nyx giggled.

"Hmm!" She nodded.

The girls ran outside in search for a nearby place to eat. Since Alya had never seen the city before, she followed Nyx's lead.

"So what are we going to eat?"

"We'll know when we get there."

Alya's stomach couldn't stop rumbling. With her only focus on food, she almost didn't notice all eyes were on them. Alya quickly gave a frown.

Nyx noticed Alya's sour expression.

"It's been two years, you should've gotten used to it by now."

Not long ago Alya thought people gawked because of her beauty, but the real reason was because of the fact she was a mythic class.

Though Nyx said it was partly the reason and she was indeed gorgeous but it didn't matter anymore.


Alya didn't say anything and just glared at the onlookers as she passed by. The ones that caught her glare swiftly turned away in fear. Thay knew not to mess with a mythic class.

"We're here!"

Nyx stopped to face a cozy looking tavern.

The structure was made mostly of bricks and stones. It was hard to see through the stained glass windows but one could still hear people inside.

Alya stopped and followed Nyx's eyes towards the large sign on the wall.

"The Quiet Bun."

"Weird name."

"The name doesn't matter. What matters is inside. Let's go in."

Nyx grabbed Alya's hand and walked in.

The room lit up with lanterns and a chandelier hung on the ceiling. Chairs and long wooden tables were placed in every spot of the place with a bar situated at the end of the room. Voices filled the room bringing a somewhat warm and cozy atmosphere. The tavern didn't have many customers in the day so there were still some open tables.

Those loud voices quickly turned quiet as soon as the girls got through the door, all eyes were on them again, but soon after people continued on with their business.

Alya didn't even look around because her senses were focused on the smell of roasted meat and other tasty foods from the kitchen. Her tummy felt all warm with excitement at the thought of meat and fish dishes.

Nyx dragged Alya to an open table and sat there waiting to be served. While they waited they felt bored so they eves dropped on some people's conversation.

It turned out the table with four bulky men behind them had lots of things to talk about, but one bit of information really piqued Alya's interest.

"Hey, did you hear? the little lady got out." A tall and bulky guy with long brown hair with bear ears on top and beard started the conversation.


"Yeah!" The bearded man laughed after taking some chugs of his beer.

"Stubborn little rascal she is. If she continues like this lord Kaet may get a heart attack."

Reincarnated; Nine Tailed Fox With A TemperWhere stories live. Discover now