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Alya continued her laps as soon as she got rehydrated. Each lap more difficult than the last. It took her three hours to run just nine laps, which was really frustrating for her, and not just her, the old man was getting impatient.

"At this rate you would be done by nightfall, pick up the pace will you? You still have forty-one more laps to go." His eyes were closed as he laid with his back on the grass, with Sylith sleeping on his belly.  Due to the man's small size, Sylith was almost the same size as him.

Alya had just finished her ninth lap. But as soon as she reached the old man's tiny body, she collapsed on the ground with her clothes soaked in sweat and her face flushed and as red as a tomato. If she ran any more laps, she would faint out of exhaustion.

She barely had enough energy to look at the man beside her and just laid down on the grass. Her chest heaved up and down as she tried to catch her breath, but the man didn't seem to care.

"Sir.....I.....can't...go....on...any....." She was barely able to speak properly with how exhausted she was. It was then the man opened his eyes and glanced at her. He seemed rather upset.

"At least finish it to ten, I don't like odd numbers. I wouldn't normally do this, but since you're from another world, I'll allow this. It seems that people in your world are lazy and don't excercise."

'.....( if only he knew that I'm just lazy compared to others on Earth).'

"Really? Just one more?" Her eyes were filled with hope.

"Ask me that again, and I'll double it."


"This doesn't mean I'll not increase the number of laps. As you get used to ten, I'll add again by ten."

"Yes sir!!"


In twenty minutes, she was done with the last lap of the day. Next was the.....



"Since you're very weak, I'll reduce it to twenty." By that time, teacher was already on his feet, but Sylith was still sleeping, on the ground this time.

"But I can barely do three."

"You really do love complaining don't you?"



As soon as he yelled, Alya stayed in position, and tried one first, which wasn't easy for her. She could barely go down without landing face flat on the ground. Her muscles were more than tense,  and she felt like her bones would break.

'How does it look so easy for athletes.'

As soon as she got down, it was almost impossible for her to go back up.

As the old man watched this, his face stiffened. The way she gritted her teeth and how her face contorted was... something. It seemed like she was about to pop.


"Nineteen more to go."


"Next is wall pushups. This is an easier version of a normal pushup. So it wouldn't be bad if you do fifty, will it?" The old man was now sitting on a tree branch, but low enough to watch Alya.


Suddenly the old man cut off what he wanted to say.

"Don't say anything. I'm sure you'll just complain. Start!!"

The wall....or tree pushups weren't as hard as the former, but still strenuous, especially when it's fifty. But Alya still did it without much complaining, she was now used to it, even teacher noticed the slight change. But that didn't mean she didn't complain in her mind.

'I'm gonna die before next week.'


Luckily for her it was time for lunch...well it was supposed to be two hours ago. Alya still had to get some fish and set up the fire, but that wasn't the reason for their late lunch. The reason was another six laps around the clearing.

As soon as the fish was ready, Alya was about to swipe one to eat. But before she could, a time hand got to it first. And whose small hand would it be other than teacher.

In his hand were two fish, the last one was already in sylith's paws. 

Alya was already frustrated due to the intense training, she did not need another thing to ruin her mood, especially when it comes to food. Her face was turning sour. 

"What the heck?"

"Haven't you heard that you need to work to get your food?" He wore a straight face, and his expression cold, but one could closely see he was amused by the way Alya was glaring at him. He could feel the faint killing intent in her eyes.

'She really does like food.'

"And I have worked for it, I'm sure all this training is for nothing."

"Then you wouldn't mind if there's a minor training session during lunch, would you?"

Before Alya could retort, he threw one of the fish with a sudden burst of energy, which got the fish so high up, that it landed on one of the branches of the tallest tree near them, and probably the tallest tree in the forest.

It was way taller than the once she had seen before, but weirdly she never noticed it.

With the fish way up there, so high that she couldn't even see it, she almost snapped.

"What the....!!"

"If you want it, go get it." His face was as calm as ever.

He was definitely mental, the way Alya saw it.

"How can I....."

"You should really work on this complaint problem you have, it's not good for your health."


"Seriously, I just threw it on one of it's low branches. Get used to this girl, because we will do this every lunch."

Alya was desperately holding on to her sanity. This was just her first day of training, so she had to get through the whole day. As soon as she's done for the day, she could pull her hair, or aggressively hit her pillow at night before crying herself to sleep, at least that was the one thing even he could not deprive her of.

So with no other choice, she climbed with all her effort, and it was no day at a picnic. She kept on falling off the branches.


Almost an hour later, she got her fish, though with scratches and twigs in her hair, she didn't care as long as the fish was still in good condition. Luckily she wasn't afraid of heights. The only problem left was.....

"How do I get down?"

Reincarnated; Nine Tailed Fox With A TemperWhere stories live. Discover now