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Alya easily dodged every deadly swipe the terrakin threw at her thanks to her training. Soon enough she found an opening and bolted towards its face, punching one of its eyes with so much strength the terrakin flew backwards till it hit a nearby tree.

"Nice." She said to herself. Her fist barely stung from the impact, fortunately the scales around the eyes were not as tough as the rest of its body. Her years of training really paid off.

The terrakin screeched in agony as it shut its eyes tightly, hoping for the pain to go away. The girl before it did some serious damage to its eye. He was sure he wouldn't be able to see with that eye again. This only riled it up the more and he only saw red as it glared at her. It struggled to get up, tripping over as it tried to get used to using just three of its eyes.

Alya on the other hand didn't give it time to regain its composure and punched another eye a split second later, sending it backwards once again hitting the same tree. Now two of its eyes were ineffective.

It was so furious it gave off the loudest screech it could convoke. It was so loud it sent shockwaves that broke the once silent atmosphere of the forest. Alya and the others had to close their ears to avoid any damage to their eardrums.

"Can this thing get any louder?" Alya gnashed her teeth trying to endure the agonizing scream coming from the monster's mouth. She had to finish it quickly, or else more monsters would be coming in their way. The shockwaves was another obstacle she had to clear before she could defeat it.

She was just about to give the finishing blow when she suddenly felt a chill in the atmosphere.


In that exact moment she noticed that the huge tree the terrakin just crashed into, with its trunk large and thick a few seconds ago was shriveling up to the size of a twig. She looked up to find Crissal up on that tree and her sharp claws digging into it's trunk. Alya was shocked to see her on a tree branch, just below the beast, which was still screaming its lungs out.

Crissal had to endure the loud screeching as she dug her nails deeper into the bark. In seconds all the water stored in the trunk of the tree burst out like a dam and forcefully rained on the monster all at once.

Just then, in those moments as the water was plummeting the beast, Crissal quickly blew out icy cold air from her mouth, causing the water to freeze solid, trapping the monster in sparkling ice.

Alya had just witnessed what had happened and gazed at the glittering glaciers before her, awestruck at the sight. The beast was frozen solid, breaking out was futile. She quickly shifted her gaze towards Crissal who had just landed safely on the ground.

"Very impressive." Alya congratulated her with a small smile and gazed back at the ice statue.

"I know." Crissal bluntly stated and gazed upon the new art piece she just created. Alya faced Crissal once again with furrowed brows and a frown.

"If you could fight why didn't you?" she asked, waiting for an explanation.

"I cannot.....I only rely on my abilities."

"Even if I did know how to fight, I wouldn't have done anything. I just wanted to stop its screeching, that's why I interfered. It's not like it's my job to do these things."

Her statement deepened Alya's frown but before she could retaliate, Nyx appeared from the shadows with a huge smile.


The girls turned to the voice's owner, Nyx, and immediately they forgot about their argument and glared daggers at her.

Nyx was unbothered with the glares thrown at her and started to clap excitedly.

"Kid, well done with the ice!"

Criss was so furious she was about to pounce at her but Alya quickly held her back before things could turn icy.

"Calm don't know how much I want to throw her into boiling water right now, but we have to restrain ourselves."

With that she glared at Nyx once again. Seconds ago she had the thought of choking her to death, than roast her over an open fire but she had to be calm about it. Nyx on the other hand was still unbothered by the high level of hostility.

"Your uncle told me to do it." She shrugged as she bluntly stated it.

Crissal's blood boiled as soon as she heard her silly excuse, she so wanted to gouge her eyes out with her claws, but she had to stay rational.

She brushed off Alya's hand on her shoulder and walked away from the two. She needed a good night's sleep.

As soon as she was away from the two, Alya pounced at Nyx and forcefully held her shirt's collar.

"Are you out of your mind?" Alya dragged Nyx's collar back and forth, forcefully shaking Nyx's head in the process.

"No I'm quite sane last time I checked." She bluntly replied, she was getting a headache.

"Must've not checked in a while then." She shook her harder.

"If this girl dies in our hands, it would not be funny at all. I'm not ready to make enemies at this stage of my life." Alya stopped shaking Nyx, seeing she wasn't responding, but she still held her collar.

Nyx was recovering from the aggressive shaking, she needed to rest her head for a while.

Nyx took out another piece of paper from her pouch and shoved it in Alya's face.

"If possible could you teach her some basic combat skills, just to be extremely safe?"

Alya read the words on the note and the signature at the bottom right corner. She had no idea how that was related to what had happened.

"It said basic combat..."

"What other form of basic combat training is better than fighting the real thing? If you're concerned about her safety, don't worry, if things get too serious we'll take care of it."

Alya wanted to retaliate but was too exhausted to fight back. She let go of Nyx and turned to the beast that was still frozen in a block of ice.

"We should kill it before the sun comes up."

Nyx nodded, then brought out a long sword from her spatial pouch and gave it to her.

Alya used her flames to heat up the blade so it could easily penetrate the ice. She continued to heat it up until the blade was red hot.

As soon as it was hot enough, she stared intently at the frozen bird, meticulously looking for any weak spot between the scales. Soon enough she found an opening and pierced through the block of ice directly at its heart.

Nyx was impressed by her concentration and accuracy. It wasn't easy to pierce through a block of ice and get it accurately. This was one of Alya's strengths.

Alya was still holding the sword that was in its heart and conducted her body heat through the blade, melting the ice and burning its heart at the same time to prevent bleeding.

When she was sure it was dead she retracted the sword from its heart and melted the rest of the ice.

Reincarnated; Nine Tailed Fox With A TemperWhere stories live. Discover now