Love, Seokjin

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Dear (Name),

You know I'm pretty bad at writing letters. I always try to make them funny lol. Do you remember that trip to Hawaii where we had to write letters to each other? I got Jungkook lol. And all I did was make jokes. I think that's just how I like dealing with things because it makes people smile. I like that. I like that a lot. Especially when it's you.

Aghhh here I go getting serious. Not like me at all. Truth be told, I'd tell you all this face to face if I could, but I'm a coward. We all are, which is why I decided that this was the best way. I don't think I could bear to see your face if things don't turn out the way I want them to.

This might be CHEESY but...I think you're GRATE.


HAHAHA wait I have more.

The time we spend together is like a HOTDOG because I RELISH it. The S'MORE I get to know you, the S'MORE I like you. I love how you're always PUDDING up with me. My thoughts are filled with you, from my head TO-MA-TOES. When you're not next to me, I miss you a WAFFLE lot. I hope you don't go BACON my heart. To be honest, you're a cutie PIE, and I think we'd make a perfect PEAR because....

I love every PIZZA you. My heart BEETS for you. You're the only one PHO me and I think we're MINT to be.

Lol I know it was corny, but (Nickname) you're the POP to my CORN. Sometime over the last year and a half, I fell so hard for you, it's kinda stupid. But what can I do? It is what it is. If you let me, I'm gonna keep making you laugh with my dumb dad jokes because you deserve to smile that pretty smile all the time.

PEAS give me a chance (Nickname), because OLIVE you so much it hurts.


Seokjin :D

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