- The End -

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And that's a wrap folks!

I hope y'all enjoyed the final chapters of LYSB!

Firstly, I wanted to explain how the last chapters should be understood, in case some of y'all were confused. At the end of the chapter We Are Bulletproof: The Eternal, (Name) is scrolling through Twitter the night after her final concert. Her contract has ended, and she has to make a decision about what she will do next? Renew it, or stay? In her mind, she already knows, and she eventually falls asleep. But she doesn't notice that there is a letter that was slipped under her door. Based on which ending you chose, the letter is different. I made a letter for all scenarios, so whichever one you choose, that is the letter (Name) reads when she wakes up. And now it's up to you to decide what you'll do!

I know the ending is a little unorthodox, but I genuinely wanted to do something creative with their confessions and this is what I thought up! I hope none of you guys are disappointed that I didn't write face-to-face confessions, but I honestly think this is a really sweet way to confess your feelings. I also think I kinda suck at writing fluff, and if I had to write like 8 different scenes I was nervous that they would all start sounding the same. I'm also a big fan of leaving things kinda ambiguous at the end (if you've read my other fics like Tiger Flower, you understand LMAO), and I want you guys to be able to imagine what happens afterward. I definitely wanted to take your opinions into consideration, and a lot of you said you wanted me to leave the ending open. And I definitely agreed, so I made separate endings for you guys to choose from so that you can determine what happens next. After getting a letter like this from your bias/biases, how would you react? How would you go tell them you feel the same? Every reader is different, so I left that option up to you!

I hope you guys enjoyed reading the letters! I tried to make them as in character as I could because I genuinely think that all seven of them are so unique and individual. Writing these last few chapters made me miss them a whole lot, and made me miss the times when I used to follow everything they did. I wish I was still like that :(

Even though it's sad, every journey has to come to an end. Love You So Bad was something I started writing back in November of 2017, when I was a freshman in high school who had just discovered these amazing boys. I started writing it for myself, to have a little fun and play around with the idea of an 8th member (and I'll admit, I was imagining myself as the main character LOL). Only after I had a few chapters written, I decided to publish it on Quotev, and later here on Wattpad. I never expected for it to get this much attention, but I am so grateful. Over the years, I've met some amazing people who've enjoyed my story, and that brought me so much joy and motivation to continue. Even through my writer's block and personal issues, you guys waited patiently and stuck with me. Thank you so much. You guys supported not only this story, but my other work as well. I'm so grateful.

My BTS era has come to a close now, and it's been more than 5 years that I've spent with them and on this story. The effort, in my opinion, was so worth it, because I had so much fun doing it. Thank you to all of you for your support and love. I wouldn't have gotten this far without you. Thank you for giving my story a chance and expressing how much you enjoyed it.

I'm going to be a sophomore in college now. I have big plans for the future, so unfortunately writing will have to take the back seat for a little bit. But I love writing so much - I don't think I can give it up. So I'll be moving on to different fandoms that I'm currently enjoying, and hopefully, I can put out fics that are as good as this one. I'd be so grateful if you guys could support this decision of mine, too!

Even though this is the end of the book, I'll still be around! If you're in the same fandoms as I am, you might find my writings again, and if so, I hope you enjoy them! If not, still know that you are always welcome to say hi! Though I don't log into Quotev or Wattpad much anymore, I'll do my best to reply! I enjoy talking to you guys so much!

Anyways, this is basically another letter LOL, but it's so bittersweet to say goodbye. Once again, THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH FOR YOUR SUPPORT AND LOVE. I hope you guys enjoyed the fluff, angst, crackheadery, and every other piece of LYSB as much as I enjoyed writing it.

For the last time, I'll see y'all in my next journey!!


- Rey <3

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