Love, Bangtan

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Dear (Name),


We hope you're doing well. All those concerts, as fun as they were, totally drained us. You should be resting up, especially now that your contract has technically ended. Speaking of which...

We're so fucking happy that you decided to stay with us. The seven of us are too attached to you to be able to live without you now lol. But we're so grateful that you decided to give up your original dream to stay with us. We'll take that as a sign that you like being around us as much as we like having you here.

And it's because you decided to stay that we all finally sat down and discussed what to do. Because there's this...situation...and it's extremely delicate. Honestly, this situation of ours had us running around like idiots for the last few months. We've even gotten at each other's throats a few times. But now we have a proposed solution, and all we're hoping for is that you'll agree to it.

So...the honest truth is: We like you.

Not in a way that's just friendly, or familial. But in a way that all those cheesy romance songs describe, in a way that makes us feel like MC of some stupid romcom, in a way that can literally only be romantic.

We more than like you, honestly. Some time along the year and a half you've been with us you've managed to worm your way into each and every one of our hearts. And you've made yourself comfortable because it's clear that these are feelings none of us are getting over anytime soon lol.

We are so completely in love with you.

And this is that super delicate situation. Because none of us know if you feel the same about ANY of us, let alone ALL of us. It's pretty unlikely, we know, but if there's a chance that you do, we figured this was the best way to deal with it.

The seven of us don't want to fight with each other for your affection. We don't want to force you to choose one of us if your heart belongs to more than one. So, the seven of us, are willing to share.

We don't know if you've ever heard of these type of...poly relationships, and honestly we're not even sure if that's the way to describe this. But it would be a relationship with just the eight of us. We can set our boundaries, our comforts, our rules, and live life together, happily.

It's going to be different from the norm, but does that really matter if all of us are happy?

That's how we feel, and we're hoping you feel the same.

But make no mistake; we're not forcing you. This isn't an ultimatum. We aren't going to suddenly hate you or kick you out if you decide this isn't for you. If you say that this isn't the way you want to do things, we can tear this letter up and go about our days like nothing happened. So please, don't feel pressurized. None of us want that.

We want you to take your time to think about your feelings, and once again, do what you think is best for yourself. We know that you care about us all, and knowing you, you'll be worried about hurting us. But it's okay, sweetheart. All we wanna do is make you happy. So whatever you want to say now, we'll totally understand.

But the underlying message is:

We all just love you so much, so if you have the same feelings for us, for all of us, then just say yes. Because we all can make you so happy, and be happy together. It's a little unorthodox, but the eight of us can make it work, because we all love each other so much.

We all basically ranted in this letter lmao, and we know it's a lot to think about. So take your time, and think about what you want.

Hopefully, you'll come to us and tell us yes.

Because we will make you so happy, (Nickname).



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