Twitter Update #8

770 38 14


July 7th, 2018

Worldwide Trends









At today's concert (Name) was seen crying into Hoseok's shoulder at the ending moment. Some fans were very concerned but she attempted to smile and end the concert on a happy note. Whatever it is, we ARMY hope that she is okay <3


awh no baby don't cry i hope everything is alright


why am i crying now :(


i hope our maknae is okay


i can't even begin to imagine what had made her cry like that
cheer up baby :(


aww don't cry (nickname)


omg who cares?! everyone's talking about it but she was only crying it's not like she died...


i'm glad that she had the other members with her :(
another reason why I admire namjoon: he was able to direct the concert and also keep an eye on her :( i really hope she's okay


this entire thing just brings me back to how idols should get their own rest days if they aren't feeling up to something. if (name) is going through something army should be understanding about it and let her take the time she needs.


no no no don't be sad!! the way all of the 7 boys just crowded around her to hide her from the cameras :,(


aw she looks so stressed out :( seriously I respect idols so much

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