A Typical 8th Member's Christmas

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HDSKKKKK sorry guys i was originally gonna post this earlier but we had some unexpected plans so its a little late

i dont like this chapter lol

i deleted and rewrote about a million times smh


y'all are gonna hate me so much for this chapter


also there actually was no concert during this time period but i made one to get a point across lol



(if you can lololol)

Stylists and managers bustled around you, a couple fixing strays in your hair, others touching up your makeup, focusing on your clothes, telling you the songs and minutes. But you were used to it.

The only problem was, you couldn't focus.

Yeah, the stress of concerts had become a routine for you but you were more nervous about messing up today.

You couldn't keep your head on straight. Not since that night.

"IT'S TWO MINUTES (NAME) WHERE ARE YOU?!!" you heard a manager yell and you jumped.

No time for those thoughts now.

Pushing all that aside, you quickly ran to where the other members were, in similar positions. You made eye contact with each member and felt heat flushing up your neck and into your cheeks. Putting a conscious effort into that stuff was stressing you out. As the Japanese version of DNA started playing and the eight of you began dancing your mind flashed back to the conversation you had not so long ago.


"Guys....come on in," Manager Seijin spoke up and the eight of you quietly bustled into the room, taking seats at the table.

"So...the new year is starting soon so we've taken a look at the group's progress and just things that have changed in general. (Name)-ah's debut seems to be running smoothly as of now. ARMY seems to have gotten used to her and her popularity is steadily rising among them. Our fanbase is increasing at a quicker rate now, ever since DNA era started, which is great. But I think we haven't really talked about something since she joined,"

"And what's that hyung-nim?" Yoongi asked.

"Well...fanservice," Manager Seijin spoke up. "In the sense of fanservice between members,"

Realization dawned upon the boys' faces but you didn't understand.

"Wait...I don't understand?"

"Well," Manager Seijin faced you and leaned forward with a clearing of his throat. "You know how the fans.....pair the members right?"

You nodded.

"And they get super happy when they see their favorite...ships....do something together?"


"Like for example....Taehyung and Jungkook or Namjoon and Jin or Hoseok and Yoongi or Jungkook and Jimin," he listed off examples. "Those are all some of ARMYs favorite ships. And fanservice is all about pleasing the fans right?"

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