Look At Me

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"No no (Name)-shhi. It's not good. Again," Sung Deuk spoke up again. "Move your arms in a more circular motion,"

Repeating the step again for about the twelfth time you finally succeeded. The older man nodded in satisfaction.

"Good, now keep going. The beginning to the end. I'll be back," he said stepping out and leaving you alone. You fell to the floor, panting. Yeah right bro I need a break...I need one break...5 minutes. You rolled over and reached for your water bottle. Currently, you were working on learning the choreography to Go Go, one on one with your dance choreographer. Taehyung was true to his word; it had only taken Mr. Sung Deuk one day to think up the dance. And, after he had gone and practiced with every other member, he turned to you, which explains your current predicament. It was currently 8:30 p.m and you had been practicing for about 5 and a half hours. The other members had gone home and here you were. You had noticed that he was spending a lot more time working on your dancing than the others. Well, they're professionals so they know how stuff works here.

Sighing, you stood up and cracked your back. Humming Jimin's lines in your head along with the music, you started dancing. You had memorized the basic steps for the entire song, but as the BTS reputation goes, each step had to be done to perfection. You were in the middle of Taehyung's YOLO YOLO part when your teacher came back. You had went over it many times. How many, you didn't know. Nor for how long he had been gone, but you were determined. You wanted to impress people. You wanted people to look at you dancing and think 'now that's the one who makes the best 8th member of BTS.' You were so into it, you didn't notice Sung Deuk standing in the doorway, watching you. Although you weren't as good of a dancer as Hoseok, he did admire your determination and hard work. Not once had you asked him for a break, taking his endless scolding with only the intent to prove him wrong. He had warned you that he would be just as harsh on you as he was with the others, and you wholeheartedly agreed. He noticed, your movements were a mixture of Jungkook and Jimin's. Your body moved fluidly and had the flexibility that the 95 born male had, yet held the fitness and power of the youngest. But, again, you lacked the ease that J-Hope held, which is why he was considered the best dancer. Once you finished, he watched as you began to rewind the music, wiping your sweaty hair out of your eyes.

"Okay (Name)-shhi. I think that's enough for today. You improved a lot. Good job," he smiled lightly.

"But Seonsaeng-nim, I just want to run through it one more time," (A/n: According to my very reliable sources **cough Google cough** this means teacher and idk if that's the right thing to say but imma go with it. I'm trying my best...).

He smiled and shook his head.

"Go home, (Name)-shhi. Take rest. Do you know what time it is?"


He chuckled.

"It's 10:30,"

Your jaw dropped.

"You haven't even eaten. Go home and get some sleep. We can practice more tomorrow, okay??'"

You sighed and nodded.

"Goodnight Seonsaeng-nim," you bowed, to which he reciprocated, bidding you a good night. As you walked out, Soo Mi was waiting for you.

"Unnie!! What are you doing here??" you asked.

"Since the boys already left, I thought I could drop you home," she smiled.

"Ah, you didn't have to. I could have just-"


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