Kidz With Fun

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Hey sorry for the wait guys

Ya gurls been sick haha

dw im getting better

i also took a long time with this chapter cuz i just wasn't satisfied with it

but this is the best i could do sooooo


You rolled over on your side and opened your eyes, letting them rake over Jungkook's sleeping figure that lay peacefully in the bed next to yours.

You smiled a little, letting your mind's rabid thoughts go numb and just letting the emotions and the feelings wash over you, not caring if they were right or wrong.

It didn't seem so bad that way.

Your moment of peace was cruelly interrupted however, by the bedroom door slamming open and someone barging in loudly.

"(LAST NAME) (NAME)!! JEON JUNGKOOK!!! IT'S TIME TO GET UP!!!" a deep voice yelled and you groaned as someone jumped on top of you.

"Ah...Taehyung oppa why must you torture me like thissss~~" you whined and yanked the blanket over your face.

"Ah (Name)-ahhhh~~" he whined back and started flailing his legs around. When he saw that you made no motion to move, he rounded on Jungkook.

"YAH!! JUNGKOOK-AH!!" he stood up and kicked the male's butt.

But unfortunately for him, Jungkook slept like a rock.

There was no movement.

Taehyung groaned, bouncing on his feet. Excitement coursed through his veins and he realllllyyyyyy wanted you awake for this.

"Fine," he sighed heavily. "You leave me no choice maknae,"

Disregarding the peacefully sleeping male he stalked over to you and easily lifted your body up, hooking one hand under your knees and the other under your back. You being the sleeper that you were, held on to the blanket and continued to snooze against his shoulder as he walked you outside.

He sighed but soon enough a fond smile stretched across his handsome face.

When he did get to the bathroom, he kicked the door open and sat you on the counter. How were you still sleeping exactly?

He shook his head playfully and took the blanket away from you, ignoring your whines of protest before grabbing your toothbrush and putting the toothpaste on it. He stuck it in your mouth before you could even yell.

Now fully awake, you frowned at him and began brushing your teeth.

"Why are you so excited?" you asked, quirking an eyebrow sleepily.

"Wow this is how much you pay attention to me....anyway you'll see soon enough," he sighed before his expression morphed into a sly smile.

"I'm concerned," you said slowly, earning a half-hearted glare before Tae left the bathroom.


"NUUUUU WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU?!?!" you screeched as Yoongi took a piece of your breakfast off of your plate.

He frowned with displeasure.

"How dare you yell at me?! Who's the oppa in this relationship huh?!" he questioned with a sharp nod, as if that was actually a question to ask.

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