Blood, Sweat, and No Tears, just Sunshine

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Did you see my bag?

Did you see my bag?

You were currently in the practice room, dancing the new choreography to Mic Drop. Though you weren't alone. Hoseok was dancing in front of you, the two of you facing the mirrored wall, studying each move and looking for flaws.

"Ah wait (Name)-ah, don't put your foot like that. It makes it harder to switch back to the original position," he said, pausing the music and walking over to your side.

"Drag your foot out instead and then pull it in quickly," he advised, doing the motion with his own feet. You watched observantly and then mimicked him. He nodded with a bright smile.

"Good job!! Can we continue?"

You nodded with a bright smile back and he resumed the music.


It was about the fourth time that he had rewinded the music when something had to go wrong. You were dancing, very focused on your work. What you didn't realize was that your right shoelace was getting loose. It slowly came undone and went by unnoticed by both you and the male in front of you. Until it just had to happen. Stepping on your own shoelace, you felt the tug and your leg give out from underneath you and then


The landing was painful. You could feel the bare skin of your left knee scrape across the hardwood floor, resulting in a heated burn flaring throughout the area. You knew the skin broke as soon as you stopped gliding. It was only a couple of seconds after you fell when the actual pain started kicking in. A groan escaped your lips as you rolled onto your back and just lay there as you heard Hoseok fumbling and running to your side.

"(Name)-ah?? Are you okay?? Aish you're bleeding!!" he said, worry lacing his tone as his concerned orbs scanned over your kneecap.

"I-I'm fine Oppa," you said in the midst of pants. He ran to the corner of the room where there was a foldable chair leaning against the wall before he picked it up and lugged it to you. Hoseok gripped your palms and pulled you up before he helped you hobble over to the empty chair.

"I'm serious Oppa, I'll be fine. It's just a small cut," you said, wincing as you bent your knee to sit down. He looked at you with furrowed brows.

"Maybe, but we should still clean it up and maybe apply some ice. Otherwise it may get swollen or infected," he responded. He stood up quickly and ran to the door.

"Stay right there! I'll go get a first aid kit or something!! I'm serious (Name)-ah. DON'T MOVE," he said sternly before he left frantically. You sighed but smiled at the compassion. You didn't know if ARMY would be the same, but the members of BTS had definitely accepted you as a part of the family.


Hoseok returned about 6 minutes and 17 seconds later (yeah, you counted since you were bored and had nothing to do) with a first aid kit and an ice pack in his hands, along with a cup of water. He bent down by your knee and opened up the box, pulling out some cotton balls and other necessities.

"Tell me if it hurts, okay?" he asked, offering you a reassuring smile that only had you smiling back. He wet one of the cotton balls and gently dabbed at the bleeding wound, resulting in you wincing and hissing out your discomfort. He immediately stopped.

"Sorry sorry," he apologized. You shook your head.

"No no it's okay. You can keep going," you said.

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