The Truth Untold

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alright next part of the last chapter

lez get it

There was an awkward silence.

"Of course he does. I like (Name). You like (Name). We all do,"

I'm talking about as a friend Hyung. I meant it like that. Well except for one teensy tiny lie about me---

"No! Jimin like likes (Name)," Yoongi stressed.

Taehyung blinked.

"Does it change the meaning if you say it twice?" he asked, playing dumb.

Yoongi facepalmed.

"Aish Kim Taehyung. I mean Jimin likes (Name), not as a friend!! Like-" he lowered his voice and gulped.

Taehyung interrupted.

"Why are you so nervous hyung?"

"Because someone might hear us!!"

"Well, why are you telling me then??"

"Because you're Jimin's best friend so I thought you might understand,"

Hehe that's true. I do know Jimin best.

"Alright so what were you saying?"

"Jimin likes (Name), but not as a friend," Yoongi said again. "Like he has a crush on her!!"

Taehyung's jaw dropped.


NO WAY!!! Hyung where in Daegu did you get that from?! One minute we were talking about how Jimin's coping and then---


Ok first of all, Jimin's my best buddy. If he liked anyone, including (Name), I'd be the first to know.

But technically, I haven't told him about my----


No. No. No. No. No.

Be gone GUILT!!


My next point is, just because Jimin wants to be at (Name)'s side while she's hurting DOES NOT = Jimin hearts (Name).

That just doesn't follow the PEMDAS.

That's two good reasons plus the fact that I'm a genius (since I share a room with Namjoon hyung and his 148 IQ has to have rubbed off on me after all these years.)

So three good reasons.

SO why is he still looking at me like he's expecting something from me??

......oh right, I'm talking in my head.

"Pffftft AHAHAHAH--HHAAH *wheeze* HAHAH--"

I am a genius.

Yoongi took a step back, a confused grimace on his face.

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