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Seokjin's yells had reached Taehyung's ears too late, and the poor boy let out a loud whine as his eyes began to sting.

"Tsk. This is why I said don't rub your eyes, especially with your onion hands!!" the eldest reprimanded, though his actions were nothing but soft as he tried to pry away Taehyung's fingers.

"This is why Jin hyung doesn't let me cook," Namjoon commented from where he stood, leaning against the fridge.

"No, that's just because you suck," Jin shot back before turning back to Taehyung. "Where's your head today, huh?"

"Sorry..." Taehyung mumbled, looking down while ignoring Namjoon's remarks of indignation. "I'm just a bit stressed out,"

"About what?" Jin asked, turning back to the stove. Taehyung bit his lip.

"Our comeback and stuff. And the tour," he answered and Seokjin hummed in acknowledgment.

"Yeah, I hear you. I've really been practicing Epiphany so that my vocals are super strong on this tour,"

"Agreed. We just have to keep doing better and better as time goes on," the leader-like tone in Namjoon's voice made Taehyung smile lightly. "We have a lot of expectations and we should be able to exceed all of them,"

"This tour, I wanna wow everyone with something new!!" the eldest said determinedly while waving around his spatula.

"They're already wowed by your pretty face and voice, hyung," Tae grinned as Seokjin raised a brow and winked.

"Now're a good kid,"

Taehyung winked back and chuckled, though his smile slowly fell as the original thoughts that were plaguing his mind resurfaced once again.


Taehyung awoke in a good mood, despite finding himself sprawled across the floor. A blanket was bundled up in his arms, and one of his legs was still hanging onto the bed next to his body. Jungkook's bed.

Ah, right.

He had fallen asleep in the Golden Maknaes' room last night after both he and Jungkook had played Overwatch for a bit. He had already fallen asleep after bidding goodnight to you, Jungkook, and Yoongi, as the three of you wanted to work on some music. He didn't however, expect Jungkook to start poking him in the middle of his peaceful slumber, insisting that he wasn't sleepy and wanted to play video games. And Taehyung obviously agreed to the youngest male's wishes. When you had walked into the bedroom, holding your laptop and sheets of lyrics, Taehyung had asked if you wanted to join the two of them. But to his mild surprise, you only shook your head and smiled, saying that you were tired and wanted to sleep. Both of the boys could understand that, promising that they would keep their screaming to a minimum, and Taehyung watched you tuck yourself into the covers of your bed and drift of to sleep in less than five minutes. After both he and Jungkook were sure you were oblivious to the world, they resumed their playing, whisper-shouting at each whenever it was deemed necessary. Over time, Jungkook's weariness caught up to him, and he eventually decided to retire for the night, simply falling back into his bed and passing out like a light. Taehyung grinned and decided to do the same, laying back and staring at the ceiling as thoughts needlessly swirled around his head.

He couldn't stop thinking about the day and what had transpired. To the other members, it might have felt like any other day, filled with endless amounts of practice and strive for perfection. But there were small actions and glances Taehyung caught that riled him up more than he cared to admit.

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