Intro: What Am I To You (I'm not can be yourself around me)

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NOTES: Bold is English or lyrics 

Namjoon sighed in frustration. The darkness in the room was so inviting, dragging him to go to sleep. And he probably shouldn't have eaten all that food. But he couldn't help it, both Jin and Yoongi had made that night's dinner and it. was. AMAZING. He currently sat in his studio, his fingers laced through his purple hair as he sighed loudly. He was trying so hard to think of something as he looked down at the unfinished lyrics of their new title track. Pdogg, Bang PD-nim, and multiple others had done a lot of work on it, but Namjoon wanted to add some of his own lyrics to it as well. He and Yoongi had worked tirelessly on the lyrics and the music, but there were still some empty spots and Namjoon just couldn't find anything.

He stood up and stretched, deciding that he needed a break and maybe, a midnight snack. He quietly opened the door to his studio, careful to not wake up any of the other members. All eight of them had a tiring week.

Heh eight.

He guessed that so far, nothing had happened that made him hate the fact that they would be a group of eight instead of seven. Of course, he had to admit, it was awkward and he definitely would prefer if they could resort to the way it was before. How they could walk around the house in just a pair of shorts. How either Taehyung or Jimin would jump from room to room every night. How Jungkook and Taehyung would scream at the top of their lungs while they played Overwatch. How whenever they did a Vlive, Jimin would have to come crash it. How they referred to each other so casually. How they kicked each other in the butts or how they pounced on each other after practice when they were sweaty, just to annoy each other.

Now, they had to watch themselves. They had to be formal. They couldn't be themselves. But he didn't want to blame it on her. It wasn't her fault at all. For all she knew, she was supposed to be a solo artist, not join BTS. But on the other side, he had to admit, she was talented. He had heard what limited singing skills she possessed in Go Go and Pied Piper, which they had recorded last week. He had watched her dance to Go Go as well, in which she did pretty well. But Go Go's choreography was fairly simple in comparison to what they were used to. He didn't want to sound hypocritical as he felt he wasn't the best in the dancing department, but depending on how she fared in a more difficult choreography, he could decide whether she really was fit to be on the dance line. He wasn't trying to be rude about it, but as the leader, he felt like he had a responsibility to maintain the balance in the group.

His deep thinking had led him to the kitchen and he grabbed an apple to munch on. He filled himself a glass of water.

"Oh!! Namjoon-sshi?" a voice rung out. He turned to see the youngest and newest member looking at him.

"Oh hi (Name)-sshi. What are you doing awake?" he asked, setting the glass in the sink.

"I was just working on my song and I decided to take a break. What about you??"

"I was working on DNA lyrics but I'm not getting anywhere," he sighed. You hesitated.

"D-Do you want me to help? I mean, I can't promise I'll come up with something, let alone something good but..." you trailed off. Namjoon thought for a minute. Might as well try to learn something about you.

"Okay, come on. My studio's really messy so..." he said, heading towards said room. You chuckled.

"Doesn't matter. You will not believe my room back home," you chuckled, as did he, before he opened the door and motioned for you to take a seat on the chair next to him.

"So how's your song coming?" he asked.

You shrugged.

"It's okay I guess. Whatever Yoongi-sshi helped me with was really nice but I'm still working on more,"

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