- Young Forever -

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"No," Yoongi says after the silence. "We can't now,"

"Yeah, we can do it," Namjoon speaks up, agreeing with Yoongi, but confusion and sadness lace his expression.

"I don't think I can," Seokjin replies shakily.

"Me neither," Jungkook quietly speaks up. Taehyung's eyes are filling with tears but he is also nodding his head in agreement.

Jimin sighs a little, eyes downcast.

"It's been a long time guys. Maybe we aren't as good as we thought," he says in a small voice.

Hoseok gulps and attempts a chuckle, but it sounds pained.

"Yeah...maybe we aren't,"

''We can't...what about her?" Yoongi finally asserts, but his voice is shaking.

Still...he tries to keep strong. For the sake of his members.

"She hasn't even been here for a year. We can't do this to her. Not like this," he reasons.

"I know," Jin says quietly. "But I'm tired Yoongi-ah. I can't keep fighting like this,"

"Then...are we really doing this?" Hoseok asks quietly.

"I-I guess so," Namjoon manages to say.

Everything falls there.

Taehyung lets out a broken sob and then he is crying, tears openly spilling from his eyes. He attempts to muffle his sounds of pain.

He fails.

Jungkook watches as each hyung begins to become glassy-eyed and then he too, sniffles, and a few tears leak from his eyes. He feels pain when they do.

Yoongi's throat feels tight.

After everything. After so much love that made them as close as brothers. This wasn't how they should end. Not like this. Not in tears.

Not with broken hearts.

Seokjin is crying and Hoseok follows. Namjoon's lip is quivering, and his eyes sparkle. He hurriedly wipes at his face.

"I-I still think we can do it guys," Namjoon tries. "It really doesn't have to end this way. Think about it. For (Name)'s sake,"

Those words make each of them flinch.


"Don't do this for me,"

They turn to see her. And she doesn't look sympathetic.

She looks angry. Confused.


They failed.

"I don't care guys. How could you even think that?" she questions, her tone rising with each word. There is a waver in her voice. "You do what you guys need to. Don't take me into opinion. You guys don't need to. Worry about yourselves for once. You guys are more important to me than this. You guys matter the most to me,"

Hoseok sniffles as Seokjin puts his face into his hands to hide the streams continuously cutting across his cheeks.

"And you matter the most to us. That's why we're talking this out," he says with a tearful chuckle.

Taehyung sobs harder at his hyung's words and she is at his side immediately.

How do they continue like this?

How long do they keep fighting each other?

How long do they keep fighting the world?

And then, for the first time they see...

...that she is crying too.

They failed. 

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