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Jimin was still seething as he slammed the door of your bedroom shut. He plopped down on Jungkook's bed and dragged a palm down his face. God, that was close.

For once in his life, he was thankful for his anger. It had distracted his members from their initial accusations.

Speaking of the accusations, Jimin gulped as he remembered what the boys had thrown at him. Was he really that obvious that everyone had noticed? Had you noticed?! Namjoon had insisted that he had been acting differently. And then they had all rattled on examples of how.

"...looking at her with this new look in your eyes!!" Yoongi had said.

Did he actually? He was sure that he was being careful about his gaze on you. And differently meaning with love? Because he was sure he had looked at all of them with love. How could it be much different?

"Oh and staring at her?!" his eldest hyung had asked.

Okay he probably couldn't argue there. Even he could remember some times where he physically could not take his eyes off of you. But how could they blame him? Jimin was in the stage of just noticing how beautiful you truly were. It was hitting him after so long, and it was overwhelming. Sometimes you just did some cute, quirky thing and he would find that he couldn't peel his eyes away. But other times, he would also be looking at you out of worry, because truth be told, the young man felt a responsibility over you. As someone older to you and someone you spent so much time with, he felt like it was important to be making sure everything was okay. He was always wondering about the most trivial things. Has she eaten yet? How long did she sleep last night? Was she comfortable? Should I give her my jacket because she looks like she's cold? All of these feelings of wonder obviously drew his attention to you. But he was just being a caring member...right?

"Watching her sleep sometimes?!!" the maknae had questioned bitterly.

This one threw Jimin off. He couldn't remember a time where he had explicitly watched you sleep. Even so, he didn't remember seeing Jungkook around anywhere. What had aroused this suspicion in the youngest male? Jimin threw his head back and started wracking his brain, trying to ignore the rapidly forming migraine. Then, it hit him. There was that one night, after you had stayed out for far too long and worried the hell out of him. You had fallen asleep in Yoongi's studio and Jimin had refused to leave your side. He didn't remember if he was being especially obvious, but he wondered when Jungkook had seen that.

"Doing everything you can for her?!?" Hoseok had added.

Well, this didn't mean anything. Just because he did things for you didn't mean he was in love with you. He was just showing that he cared about you and wanted you to be happy. Which he did.

"How about showing off?! Because it seems like you've been doing that a lot too!!" Yoongi again.

Showing off?! Jimin felt his defensive nature kick in again. When had he ever shown off?! In fact, if he was to point fingers, he'd name Jungkook as the most prideful. And yet when Jungkook was showing off, it was suddenly the coolest or most attractive thing in the world. Even if he was 'showing off', what was wrong in trying to display his talents? If he was good at something, he might as well be allowed to show it to people. Especially if "people" was a girl he had a crush on. His members were getting more and more unreasonable.

"You did dream about kissing her, Jimin," Taehyung had muttered in the midst of all the accusations.

This one made Jimin nervous. Because it was very much true. It brought a flush to his cheeks just thinking about it. But that dream, had been private. He hadn't told any of the members. So how did Tae know? He had only texted his brother about it. Jimin wiped his sweaty palms on his pants and began to think. His brother wouldn't tell Taehyung, would he? No way. They didn't talk to each other much without Jimin so he doubted it. Suddenly, Jimin's eyes widened. Did...Did Taehyung snoop through his phone?! That would have been the only way he could have found out! Jimin felt his anger spike through the roof. Before he could stop himself he had picked up Jungkook's pillow and chucked it across the bedroom in a fit of rage. As it thudded against the wall and slid down, Jimin let out a loud groan and fell backwards. Was this what a measly crush was going to do to them? Just because they have suspicions about his feelings, did that mean that all the trust they had in one another would die?! Jimin felt a lump form in his throat as his anger sizzled in his gut. The timid knocking at the door made his normally kind chocolate eyes dart away from the ceiling.

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