Love, Jimin

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Hey (Nickname),

How are you bub?

I'm literally cringing so hard right now. I thought that writing this letter would be easy. I mean it's just a letter, right? Shouldn't be hard...

But no. It's so difficult. I'm so nervous while writing this.

I'm hoping that by this point in our lives, you know me well enough to understand what I'm trying to tell you.

Honestly, I can't remember exactly what I thought about you when we first met. I knew that you were a nice person, but I think I was more worried about how you'd we'd adjust.

But now when I look at you, I can think "oh (Name) is this type of person".

Someone who has the ability to make you happy with just a smile. Someone who works hard for what she wants. Someone who is good at taking care of others, but also accepts care from the people around her. Someone who is capable of comforting you on your worst day with just a laugh.

That's what you are (Name). I think you're an amazing person. And it's these amazing qualities of yours that made me fall head over heels for you.

Yeah, you read that one right...

I'm in love with you. Have been for a while. And this letter is my way of asking you if you feel the same because I'm too scared to face you.

As a boyfriend and lover, I'm ready to take care of you and give you what you want. You're always caring about me and paying attention to my worries, and I want to do that for you. I want to become a man that you can rely on, and take care of your needs so that nothing bothers you ever again. I want to make you happy, just the way you make me happy.

But even if you don't return my feelings, I just want to thank you for all that you've done for me, for us. I need you to know that you are so loved.

But I don't think anyone loves you...the way I do.

Let me prove it.



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