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read mY note at the end PLSSSS

okay get to reading idiots

"Bro what?" Namjoon asked, raising a perfect brow. Seokjin sniggered, wiping his hands on his apron. "What are you even saying right now, Taehyung?" he questioned, a confused expression lacing his face.

"I think Yoongi hyung was right. BUT DON'T TELL ANYONE OKAY?! Especially not Jimin!" Taehyung answered hurriedly.

"We won't..." Namjoon said hesitantly. "But what makes you think that so suddenly?"

"Well..." Taehyung hesitated. "I don't know. I guess it's just the way he looks at her,"

"Really?" Jin asked. "I didn't notice anything different?"

"I did," Taehyung responded with a grimace. "During practice today it was especially obvious. Plus..."

"Plus..?" Namjoon urged.

"Plus, I was looking through his phone and saw some of his messages,"

"You know what that is?" Jin asked, pointing the spatula at Taehyung. "Infringement of privacy,"

"Oh please," Namjoon waved his hand. "Since when do any of us have privacy? Especially with each other?"

Seokjin shrugged before pausing. "Does that mean you brats read my messages?"

"Anyway he was texting his brother," Taehyung continued, ignoring Jin's question entirely.

"About what?" Namjoon asked, now looking genuinely curious.

"About...about a dream he had," Taehyung revealed, feeling a bitter taste in his mouth. Why did it feel wrong to be doing this?

"A dream...about (Name)?" Namjoon asked, his lips parting just a bit.

Taehyung nodded miserably. "Yeah he dreamt that he kissed her,"

A silence took over the Kim line as thoughts began rushing through their heads.

"Oh boy..." was all the eldest muttered.

"Well," Namjoon tried reasonably. "Dreaming about kissing someone doesn't necessarily mean that you like them. I mean, you can't control what you dream about,"

Taehyung winced. "True, but I just....I don't know. I've just been noticing some stuff. Sorry,"

"Nah don't apologize," Namjoon shrugged. "For all we know, you could be right haha,"

The chuckle exuded by the leader was meant to be playful, but none of them were joking about the information presented. The conversation died down, maybe with an occasional dad joke by the resident funny guy, but Taehyung was pretty convinced of the truth behind his statement.

Namjoon was thinking hard, trying to wrack his brain for any evidence. Had Jimin really been so obvious? How could he have not noticed? Perhaps Taehyung was right?

Seokjin was faring no better. Though he tried to mask it behind his puns, the words of the younger male had gotten to him. Jin never shook off the possibility that a member beside himself would have feelings for you. In fact, it was bound to happen. They were a bunch of young guys, and young guys being forced to stay with a single girl, who by the way, was absolutely perfect, that couldn't end well. No there was just too much to like about you for all of them, so it made perfect sense that one of those members could be Jimin. And what's worse to Seokjin, is how well it could turn out. God, he feels like such an ass for thinking that, but these feelings of jealousy, disappointment, and anxiousness were doing things to his better judgment. He had to admit that Jimin had a good chance with you. The boy was intelligent, talented, sweet, and charming, one perfect concoction of traits that any girl or boy would be attracted to. He worked hard and cared deeply for others, wearing his heart on his sleeve. And even as the most handsome of the group, Jin had to admit that Jimin was quite good looking, especially as of late. A Perfect Man right there. And to be completely frank, you were perfect too; you could have any guy you wanted. So if you wanted Jimin, and what Taehyung was saying was true, then what would get in the way of an inevitable relationship? No matter how much he thought, no matter how much he insisted that he was a better fit, Seokjin saw that there was a sizeable chance that Jimin would whisk you away from his clutches. And the idea hurts him, it does, but he thinks about how much he loves Jimin and how much he loves you. If both of you are happy with each other, then that's all that matters, right?

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