Where Did You Come From? (Out of your life and into it)

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Your eyes fluttered open as the bright light hit them and you squinted.

"(Name)-ah! Please wake up!"

You whined and pull the blanket over your head. You could hear a squeal and someone say

"Aw so cute!"

A pair of hands pushed your shoulder gently.


You finally opened your eyes completely and glared at the person above you.

"Yay! You're awake! I made breakfast!"

At that, your eyes widened and you jumped out of bed and ran out of the bedroom, leaving Soo Mi to chuckle after your disappearing form. PD-nim had decided it would be a good idea to stay with Soo Mi for the night before you officially moved in with BTS. Plus, he didn't want to overwhelm any of you so he let you get used to it first.

By the time Soo Mi had gotten to the kitchen, you were eagerly sitting at the dining table, swinging your legs back and forth. She giggled at your childish nature before walking into the kitchen and bringing out breakfast. After the two of you ate, Soo Mi told you to pack up your things so that you could transfer them to your new dorm.


"How come she gets her own room?!" Jungkook whined. Jin sighed as the other members were frantically cleaning around him, well all except for Yoongi, who was lazily lying on the couch, claiming he was dusting the seat.

"We went over this already Jungkookie: she's a new member. I'm sure it would be uncomfortable for her to just share a room with one of us," Jin explained.

"But why does she have to take my roooooommmmm!??!?!"

"Because we only have 4 rooms and you have one to yourself, so you'll just have to room with one of us and give her your room. Besides, she is a girl, she needs privacy,"

"Ugh!! This is so annoying!! We were fine the way we were and now some random kid is gonna come in and mess everything up!! I don't really care how talented she is!! We're Bangtan Sonyeondan!! A boy's group! Why would she ever be able to fit in with us?! Also another thing: we've been training for the majority of our life to get to debut and she just had to go through an audition-"

"Jungkook that's enough," Jin said sternly. "I'm not that thrilled that we're getting a new member but what can we do about it?! Nothing. There's no point in whining. You have to make the most of the situation and just start getting used to it. Otherwise, you'll just make it difficult on yourself,"

Jungkook groaned and stormed off. Jin sighed.

"Y'know, I agree with the kid. How can we just accept a new member like that one fine day?! And she's a girl. We walk around here in our underwear. But now we won't even be able to do that," Yoongi muttered from his spot on the couch. Jin looked at him before looking away with another sigh.

"....we don't have a choice....J-Just go clean up your room,"

**Your P.O.V.**

You giggled lightly as Soo Mi drove you to Bangtan's dorm. You also had your new manager, Manager Seijin, in the van with you.

"But, Manager-nim. Are you sure that they will just accept me like that? It's going to be so uncomfortable for them! I mean, they've been together since before they debuted. It's like-"

"(Name)-sshi, it's fine. They are very polite boys. Of course, it will take some time for them to get used to you, but it will happen and soon you'll be a big part of the group. You are extremely talented and I think you're going to make a wonderful addition to this group," Manager Seijin interrupted you, placing a comforting hand on your shoulder. You smiled gratefully as the three of you began to climb out of the van.

"But," he spoke again. "That doesn't mean that I'm not going to be hard on you. You signed the contract so your work schedule will be as tiring as theirs, if not more. I'm just warning you ahead of time," he said. You smiled determinedly.

"Yes, Manager-nim. I'll work hard!"

He smiled and patted your shoulder gently. The three of you made it to the door. You could hear voices yelling from the inside.

"Aish! Taehyung-ah, get your socks off of the floor!

"Yeah, Taehyung-ah! They'll be here any minute!"

"Well, she's gonna start living with us so she might as well see my socks,"


"Ow! Okay I'm sorry, hyung!"

"Jimin-ah! What are you even doing?"

"...Sorry hyung"

"Yoongi hyung, why are you always sleeping?"


Your manager chuckled from your side.

"Ah, it's nice to see them panic. Let's ring the bell," he said with a satisfied smile to which you laughed. He pressed to doorbell.

"EEEEEEEKKKKKKKKKKK!" Hoseok screeched.

"OH! They're here, they're here, they're here!" Seokjin's voice rang out, panic coursing through it.

"Open the door Jimin-ah!"

"What?! No! You do it hyung!"

"No, you!"

*insert more hushed bickering*

The door finally swung open to reveal the sheepishly smiling face of Kim Seokjin. He bowed facing hs manager.

"Annyeonghaseyo, hyung-nim,"

Your manager smiled as Jin turned to face you before giving you a polite bow, to which you reciprocated happily.

"Well, as you all know, (Name)-sshi will be moving in as of today. Have you all cleaned?"

"Yes," came the reply in unison.

"Now, let's help your new member get settled in," Manager Seijin suggested pushing you gently into the house. The boys backed up to give you space.

"Right," Namjoon said. "We decided to give her Jungkook's room,"

"Oh, you didn't have to," you spoke up. "I could have slept on the couch or something,"

"No, no, it's no issue really!" Jin spoke up, waving his hands. You smiled warmly. Jungkook grumbled softly, although you failed to catch it.

"Well, if that's all, I'll let you get settled in (Name)-sshi. Maybe it would be best for you to sleep early today. The eight of you have an important meeting tomorrow morning," he smiled. You bowed and thanked him. He smiled. Soo Mi, who was waiting in the doorway walked up to you.

"Make sure you text me if you need anything, okay? I'll see you later," she smiled and waved to you, following your manager out the door.

"Be good to her, boys,"

"Yes," Jin yelled back. Once the door closed, there was an awkward silence in the room.








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