Chapter 23

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Y/N had no idea where they were going until it was announced when they landed. Johnny had covered her ears every time before. It seems that this time he forgot to. She was thrilled to be in Italy.

Their plane landed in the evening, so all they could really do was go to the hotel and rest.

For the next few days, they went all over Italy doing so many things. Johnny had really outdone himself.

Their last destination was Verona, Italy. Johnny took her to the balcony from Romeo and Juliet. Before that though, he took her to a fancy place to rent expensive gowns. She could not figure out for the life of her what it would be for, until they came to the popular tourist attraction. Johnny then told her he planned to have a photo shoot. He rented the balcony and dress. Y/N felt bad since Johnny only wore one of the tuxedos he brought, but he assured her that he was fine. He wanted this night to be about her.

"I want our kids and and grandkids to have photos to look back to," Johnny said, caressing her lower back. "I want them to see the love we have for each other, so they'll know what love is. I also want to have pictures taken we're gray and old, to prove that love lasts. That love and beauty-" he tickled her side "-remains, even after everything."

Y/N beamed at him.

"Yeah I know, it's cheesy, but it's something I want to do. And besides, I've got to have pictures of you to hang around the house."

"Ugh, pictures of me everywhere? Yikes," she joked.

"Y/N, you are beautiful, and stunning. And strong and funny and unique." He kissed her cheek.

"You are too," she murmured, laying her head on him.

He gasped. "You think I'm beautiful?"

"I-yes Johnny. I think you are absolutely gorgeous."

They spent the next couple hours having their pictures taken. It wouldn't have taken near as long if they had stopped goofing off. But no matter, they had fun.

Unfortunately, it was time to go home. They didn't mind. They were ready to go. On the way back, Johnny fell asleep. Y/N smiled at him. This was her life now. And she looked forward to every minute of it, with him by her side.

And they lived happily ever after.

Choose your path

Epilogue 1

Epilogue 2
(No kids)

Everyone has their preferences you know

S/N - Son's Name
D/N - Daughter's Name

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