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I'm your friend too Mr Todd
If you only knew
Mr Todd....

"Are you listening?" The stern voice of the man she was just daydreaming about snapped her back to reality as he eyed her from across the booth in the pie shop.

It was late, In fact almost midnight now. Mrs Lovett had just finished the evening rush and convinced the barber to sit with her for a moment. They shared a bottle of gin talking over the events of the day. Their plan was well underway, Her love was able to take his revenge out on innocent men of London while she saved money cooking his corpses into her heavenly pies.

Money was better now, the shop had been flourishing with it's new tasty secret ingredient. Yet with all its positives it came at a price, being the only one able to bake the pies she was beginning to get tired. Her little run around Toby couldn't very well know what was happening behind that bake house door. And the victims were stacking up each day more and more depending on Mr Todd's mood.

"Sorry love, am awfully tired" her meek voice was nothing but a whisper. He could tell she was exhausted, the darkness around her eyes more apparent and her posture rather fatigue. Although he wasn't compassionate to how she might be feeling he knew he couldn't do this whole thing without her.

Looking at him she could tell he didn't seem to care all that much just simply stayed quite and sipped at his gin. Not that she expected him to understand, yet she thought he might have excused her and let her go to bed.

"The boy" he continued which immediately made her heart thump with dread.

"Yes?" She gulped, here eyes subtly drifting off to her living room where she knew Toby was probably fast asleep.

Glancing toward her he noticed the way she shifted awkwardly, uncomfortable with what he may say next. It was no secret the barber didn't like Toby, but she had grown quite fond of him the last few weeks of having him around. He knew her heart was too weak when it came to any kind of adoration thrown her way. That filthy scrap of a boy was the only thing giving her that kind of attention.

"He's asking too many question" Sweeney stared into the bakers nervous gaze.

It was true, Toby was onto him. Watching and observing the barbers every move, keeping tabs on what customers left his shop and those that didn't.

"He won't catch on" she defend quickly regretting it when he narrowed his eyes on her.

"Don't be dumb" he was mad now, his anger of her stupidity getting the better of him. Then suddenly he knew just how to get her back on his side, how to trick her into obeying him. She was far to easy to twist around his finger far to naive to realise he had her where we wanted her. The thought made him look at her with a very sly grin which made her heart thumb harder against her chest.

"If we want any kind of'll have to choose" she gulped again under the intensity of his dark eyes which scanned across her face and chest as it heaved under her tight corset. "Me? Or him..." with that he sipped his drink watching as his words sunk in.

Lost in his eyes Eleanore felt her heart fluttering madly. Did he really just say there could be a future for them? was her barber finally thinking about starting a new life with her? She felt her cheeks flush, hoping he couldn't see just the effect he had on her.

Yet he did and for that he smiled to himself knowing he had her where he wanted her. Mrs Lovett was so easily manipulated when it came to him, she would jump in front of a moving carriage if he asked her "Goodnight Pet" he whispered necking back the rest of his drink before leaving the shop.

Sat there Nellie smiled brightly to herself at the thought of them together. However that smile soon began to fade, her eyes glazing with tears as she thought about the boy. She would have to get rid of him, she would have to if she wanted to be with Sweeney. Yet it broke her heart all the same as Toby was so good to her....

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