The Devil

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Sitting on Mrs Lovetts sofa with a strong drink Sweeney couldn't help but feel out of place with all the merriment. Watching the three of them, Eleanore, Toby and Anthony decorating a pathetic looking tree they had dragged home the day prior. Christmas was in a few days and clearly it was a big deal for the baker. He didn't know why she felt the need to go all out. After being dragged around the shops he became more and more irritated of the idea of gifts and anything to do with 'the big day'

It distracted him from working out what to do about their current situation. Turpin hadn't shown his face for the last few days and it was beginning to get on his last nerves.

"It's looking very good Mrs Lovett" Anthony smiled handing her a bauble.

Sweeney however wasn't feeling up to contribute after all the last time he had a 'merry' Christmas it was with his family. The very thought was a painful one and seeing the three of them laughing and enjoying themselves was only a reminder of how alone he felt. Lucy would never be back and there was nothing he could do to change that. These last few days all he could think about was her, grieving her...

"Are ya alright love?" Came Mrs Lovetts concerned voice as he stood and began to make his way out of the room.

"Yeah..." his mumbled response had her frowning as he continued to walk out not wanting any sympathy from her right now. He was depressed how many times could she possibly try to change that!

As soon as he was gone Mrs Lovett had to admit she felt her mood drop. She wanted him to be included, wanted so badly to cheer him up and get him into the Christmas spirit. She had noticed the distance between them and it was hurting her not being able to be around him.

"Just gonna go check on em" she told the two boys who were busy hanging decorations on the tree to really hear her as she left.

Heading out she shivered at the icy air as she began to clim his slippery staircase. Reaching the top she walked towards his door and didn't bother knocking and instead caught him sat glumly in his barbers chair drinking from an almost empty bottle now.

He didn't even lift his head when she entered just sat staring off into nothing.

"Oh love, ya ok? I was hopin' you would get involved" she sighed walking over to him as he finally looked her way his eyes irritated and blacker then usual.

"So you could play happy families, is that it pet?" He said scoffing at the thought which had stung her slightly. His mood was so different recently, like something had changed in him all of a sudden.

"I just wanted to make ya happy" she replied softly.

"Well it doesn't!" He snapped glaring at her as her eyes held back tears from being snapped at by him. What the hell had gotten into him suddenly? he was fine a few days ago, now he was keeping her at arms length and a lot quieter for that matter, he had even stopped visiting her at night. She couldn't remember the last time they spent the night together.

"The love of my life is dead....I'll never be happy" he grumbled taking another large swig from the bottle. The liquid swirled in his mouth before he swallowed the contents and dropped the now empty bottle on the floor watching it roll away.

She didn't know why but that hurt her more then she ever imagined. She knew she was no Lucy to him but she thought at least she had made him forget about her now and at least try move on. Why on earth he found the need to bring her up again she didn't know but clearly he had been thinking of her recently. It would explain why his mood had changed so dramatically.

Did she really deserve this? His hateful words and tone? After all she had done and given to him including her own body....she was sick of being his tart.

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