Business before pleasure

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Using the last of the meat in her pies Mrs Lovett wiped her sweaty brow with the back of her hand. Down in the bakehouse it was very humid, the oven flickering with red flames crusting up that thick pastry to those juicy meat pies. It made it for very hot working conditions for the baker. The heat wasn't the only problem, for it seemed she was now officially out of meat. Sweeney hadn't opened his shop in days after the Judges death and although she should be happy with the fact he didn't feel the need to kill there was no denying the fact it was going to affect business.

And business, their business is what kept them off the street.

She had had enough on her mind what with Mrs Porters visit a few days ago and having had a very serious chat with Toby about his further. She had convinced him no matter how hard for her that he should take the opportunity to get to know his blood relatives. She had told him they could offer him things she could never and although it was an emotional chat he took her advice and visited Mrs Porters home every so often.

Sweeney had been right. Toby was already becoming suspicious of their 'partnership',had already asked questions. Questions on what involvement Mr Todd had in her business, what efforts he contributed to keeping a roof over their heads. Mrs Lovett knew it would be only a matter of time until he unveiled what they had truly been up to this whole time. That she couldn't risk him knowing....

Closing the oven door with both hands she locked it tight and walked her way back up to the pie shop. The shop was closed due to the shortage of meat pies but Sweeney had re opened above to bring the money back in. There would have to be a conversation, she needed the meat for her business and it seemed human flesh was very popular.

Toby currently was out at his Aunties leaving Mrs Lovett bored with little to do. She needed to talk with Sweeney, needed him to supply her work.

So picking up her skirt she trudged up the outside staircase and headed into his shop. The bell above rang out which had him lifting his eyes for a moment before returning them back to his customer he was so very carefully shaving.

"Sorry to interrupt ya love, may I ave a quick word?" She asked.

Sweeney muttered an apology to the man lathered up in shaving cream before heading over to her. "Is everything alright?" He asked quietly pulling her to one side.

"Yes dear....I just...I ave run out of meat" her eyes told him loud a clear what she was referring to. He had to admit part of him wondered whether he should continue killing the men of London. He didn't feel the need and want for it as much now but if his baker needed that from him he certainly wouldn't deny her. After all he was still very much of the mind set that all the men of this world deserved to die.

"I ave enough pies ta see me through openin' tomorrow but-..." before she could finish he walked back towards his customer and without any hesitation slit the man's neck in one clean line.

Mrs Lovetts eyes almost popped out of her head not excepting him to do that just now. As the man gargled on his own blood Sweeney sent him off down the shoot wiping the blood from his blade as if it was only natural for him.

"Jesus!" She whispered covering her beating heart with her hand. He looked up smirking slightly at her startled appearance before noticing she was wearing the dress he brought her. That dress certainly looked good on her.

"I didn't mean right away dear" she added as he approached her with his blade still wiping the blood off with a cloth.

"You look lovely" he changed the subject looking her up and down to which she felt her cheeks blush ever so slightly. Compliments? From him? Who was this man?

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