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It was now quarter past 11.

Most of London was asleep by this time, all except the devil and his accomplice. Both Sweeney Todd and Eleanore Lovett sat with one candle flickering between them. They waited for what seemed like an eternity for Benson to show, for tonight was the night they would have the revenge on such vermin. Sweeney looked up slightly noticing the way his baker played anxiously with a loose thread from her fingerless gloves. He too had been on edge all day, had stayed clear of his daughter and even Mrs Lovett for his mind was focused only with blood lust. When he got like this he could become violent and angry and therefore stayed clear of those he loved in order to not cause them any upset. How he craved to torture that man, spill his blood and cause him a slow and agonising death.

The thought of killing consumed him, much like Turpin's blood was his soul focus, it seemed this bastard that had hurt Mrs Lovett had him feeling the same way. He hated his own species, hated how they had caused the women in his life such trauma.

The sound of gin behind poured across the shop caught his far off gaze from where he was seated. It was only then had he realised that Mrs Lovett must have walked over there a moment ago without him clocking onto her movements. He watched as his baker threw back a shot of gin to try and keep herself alert. After all, she had had a long day on her feet and enjoyed sleep more then anyone. She was tired, that was clear to him.

"Where the hell is he" came Sweeney deep voice glaring out the window seeing nothing but darkness now.

With a small sigh Nellie made her way over to him handing him a glass of gin which he accepted before she sat herself down on his lap. He held her close looking at her seeing a small spark in her eyes.

"Patients love" she whispered pressing a tender kiss to his lips.

Necking the gin himself he hissed at the string of alcohol and placed the glass down. "Maybe you should go upstairs?" She said breezily while playing with the ends of his hair.

Giving her a look that told her not to even think of it she smiled pressing another kiss to his lips. He became so used to her kissing him when she wanted. Not that he would admit it but he did enjoy her small kisses it made him feel warm, loved, something he hadn't felt from a woman in years. Although, it was still hard for him to return that kind of affection for it didn't come as naturally to him. Nor did he know what to say to her at times, even now with her sat on his lap easing his tense exterior by gently running her fingers delicately through the ends of his hair he felt as if he should speak to her at least. Yet right now he didn't quite know what to say...

Luckily she didn't need him to talk necessarily, just begging close was enough for her to enjoy his company. She knew her barber was awkward and silent she didn't expect anything more from him, he was enough.

"Johanna seemed in a better mood today" Mrs Lovett said breaking the silence. "She even laughed today" she added with a smile genuinely happy that Johanna was getting her smile back.

"I worry about her" he muttered in return his eyes still holding that far of expression. An expression that caused her poor heart to strain seeing him so helpless. He worried about Johanna a great deal, she knew it was hard for him to be that fatherly figure when he was still coming to terms with reality himself. He was still very much a lost soul, ripped of all love and kindness, left with a tougher and harder nature.

Hearing him say this had her continuing to gently stroke the back of his hair as some form of comfort. Oh how she wished she could take all his pain away and make things easier for him. It just wasn't so simple, years of merciless torture, agonising strain on his mind and heart after being stripped of everything he ever had was only unimaginable to her. She wanted to give him the love he never had, to heal those wounds of his that the eyes could not see. She adored him, wanted only to make him happy.

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