The Dress

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It was now the afternoon customers had been in and out all day. Some questioned the bruising to her lip and other deemed it normal, after all they were living in a time where women would be hit in order to discipline them. Mostly it was concerned women who asked, out of all her male customers there had been one. It was shocking really what kind of world they were all living in. 1800s was certainly not an easy time...

Maybe Mr Todd had been right all along, everyone deserved to die.

Wiping down one of the table with a wet rag Nellie wondered how he might be down in the bakehouse; after all he'd been down there all day, had not once come up for anything. She wouldn't be surprised if he was enjoying murdering the judge, after all she knew he was probably making it last. His wish had come true, he had the judge all alone and was able to inflict whatever tournament he wanted on him.

She would be lying is she said Mr Todd didn't scare her a little. His violent tendencies were spine chilling, cutting bodies up was one thing but inflicting pain on someone alive was something Mrs Lovett would never have the guts to do. Unless of course it was Turpin...for that she would also enjoy making him suffer.

Looking out to her courtyard she frowned seeing Toby chatting away to some prim and proper looking lady at the table. This very woman had been calling here a lot recently and for some odd reason found a fascination with Toby as she would always want to talk to him. Mrs Lovetts motherly instincts set in seeing the lady reach other and touch his arm. That was it!

Flinging down the cloth she marched over to the door way "Toby, can ya come ere please" she called over to which the lady sat at the table looked over to Mrs Lovett with a small smile. She seemed sweet but Eleanore had no idea what she wanted with Toby, it was strange. She was clearly well off with her fine clothing and neat brunette hair pinned up under a bonnet. Why she took such an interest on some poor kid she had no idea.

"Yes mum" he said reaching her.

Placing her hand on his shoulder she pulled him inside not to have said woman watching them.

"Who is that?" She led him into the shop further.

"Dunno mum, she's awfully kind, asks a lot of questions bout me which is strange I suppose but is very nice" Mrs Lovett glanced out the window at the woman. Just what did she want? Toby could see in his mums eyes that she didn't take to kindly to this woman, whoever she may be.

"Stay away from her, I don't trust her" she said still eyeing her from the window.

"But mum she's very nice, ya ave nothin to worry abo..."

"Stay away ya hear, women like that don't talk to people like us....shes properly wanting to poach ya to work for her and I won't ave it" Toby smiled at this and without warning flung his arms tightly around his mums waist much to her surprise. The fact she was worried about losing him to some upper class lady made him love her all that bit more.

"I'd never leave ya mum" he said making her smirk and lean down to kiss the top of him head.

"Go on you, customers to serve" she winked as she watched him scurry off. Mrs Lovett however continued to eye the woman with caution. She didn't like her, not one bit. If her suspicions were right and she wanted to take Toby to work for her then she wouldn't have it!

"Mrs Lovett?" Came Johanna's soft voice from behind her startling Nellie a little. She turned to see the girl standing with one of her books in her hands clearly trying to keep herself occupied. "Call me Nellie everything alright?" The girl looked sheepish as if she had something to ask but yet was nervous to do so.

"May I talk to you? Just for a little while as I know you're busy"

Smiling sweetly at the young girl Mrs Lovett nodded "Of course my love....come" she said placing her hand gently on Johanna's shoulder as she led her into the living room before the pair of them sat on the settee.

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