New start

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As Johanna waved goodbye their last customer of the day she turned slowly to see Mrs Lovett chopping away rather violently at the chicken she had brought earlier. It was clear there was now an atmosphere between them, which of course Johanna never wanted but had expected. She could tell Mrs Lovett was also not speaking to her father as when she didn't make him his lunch he came down to which she told him she hadn't the time and he would have to find something to eat himself. However they both knew that to be a petty dig for no matter how busy she was she always had time to make him lunch.

Both her and her father had shared a look at Nellies short tone and decided to just go along with whatever she said as to avoid any heated conversation.

The chopping alone was threading right now as she approached the counter where Mrs Lovett was stood behind. "Are you upset with me? I'm sorry but I had to tell him what happened, that man's death is on my hands and you couldn't possibly expect me to keep that from father" although her voice was soft there was a hint of upset to it which had Mrs Lovett looking across at her with a somewhat understanding expression.

Of course Johanna wanted to confide in her father. It had been a traumatic experience and therefore she wasn't surprised Johanna wanted her father to talk to. However it left Mrs Lovett now in a uncomfortable situation with Sweeney.

"I ain't mad at ya love....I wish you'd waited before sayin' somethin' but t'is done now....I just didn't want ya father to become upset...."

"And act out like he did with the judge...." Johanna whispered knowing all to well her father was guilty for his death. She wasn't a complete fool like they may have thought.

Mrs Lovett remained silent unaware that Johanna actually knew he had indeed killed Turpin. That alone was another surprise to add to them all today...

"In all honesty Eleanore I was a little afraid..." the baker frowned at this wondering just what she meant.

"Of what love?"

Clearing her throat Johanna looked away a little ashamed for what she was about to say next. "Of you"

"Me!" Mrs Lovett burst out into laughter surprised again by what she was hearing. Johanna was afraid of her? "Oh darlin' in what way?" She asked truly intrigued by what the girl may say next.

"I just...I guess when you were so quick to get rid of..." Johanna looked around the empty shop before continuing "the body" she whispered "I felt a little surprised, it was as if you had done it before....but then I guess you helped out father with you know who"

Mrs Lovett just smiled sweetly at her truly surprised this had been weighing down on Johanna's mind. "Oh love" she giggled placing down the kitchen knife and walking round to pull Johanna into a hug. "T'is not as if it's somethin' I do everyday" she lied comforting Johanna and gently brushing her golden hair with her hand.

I mean the poor girl would faint knowing her father killed for a living and she cooked his corpses into her pies to make money. Chopping up human remains was as normal to Mrs Lovett as dicing some vegetables.

Pulling back a little she cupped the girls face in her hands and smiled softly. "But I'd do anything to protect you and your idiot of a father..."

"Speaking of which...about Joe..." just as she said this Sweeney entered the pie shop from the side door. Johanna noticed the way Mrs Lovett didn't acknowledge his presence and couldn't help but find it a little amusing how childlike she could be when she was in a mood.

"I take it father is in the dog house?" She whispered with amusement only for Nellie to pout her lips "oh yes" she said back.

"Johanna would you mind allowing me to talk to Eleanore privately please" he asked while pouring himself a glass of gin. Johanna nodded and watched as Mrs Lovett rolled her eyes as if not wanting to entertain him right now. They were rather funny as a couple but she adored them even so.

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