My love

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The dark London sky soon began to loom of London city creating an eerie stillness in the air. It was getting late, poor Johanna had spent most of the day in her fathers arms sobbing her heart out over the death of Anthony. A death which no one had been expecting. The whole day there had been a uncomfortable silence, an unknowing of what to say or do but simply allowing each other to grief his death in their own way.

They all had gathered that morning to listen to what had happened, including Toby who shared in Johanna's grief, for Anthony was like an older brother to him. He couldn't believe he had been so viciously shot dead in the streets, a nice man with nothing but love in his heart taken? For what? No one understood.

The pair had made it to France. Had stayed at an inn and were beginning to make a life for themselves there. It had happened all in a space of one evening, where her and Anthony had gone for a romantic stroll along the rivers edge close by to where they lived only for a group of young thugs to jump out of nowhere. They had ordered the couple to hand them over money, however Anthony hadn't been so obliging and tried fighting them. However it resulted in one fatale hun shot leaving Johanna to crumbled to the floor holding his bleeding body as he died.

She had raced back to the inn they had been residing and grabbed what she could of her things through tearful eyes. She was scared, desperately needing her family and so made a run for it. She had caught the next boat back to London with the little bit of money they had left. If wasn't much but it was enough to see her back to London. She just had to see her father and Mrs Lovett, had to be around those that loved her right now. She needed her family....

The time now was gone 9:00 Mrs Lovett had opened her shop later that afternoon leaving Sweeney to comfort his little girl. She had kept herself away giving them the privacy they needed in this difficult time.

Heading into her living room Eleanore smiled sweetly at her barber as she spotted Johanna asleep in his arms. She had brought a bottle of gin in and began pouring them a glass. The satisfying glug from the bottle had Sweeney very much ready for a stiff drink, he needed it.

"Toby's gone ta stay at his Aunts, figured he'd stay out the way for a few days" she said quietly handing Sweeney a glass before heading to sit down herself.

He had a quick sip of the drink watching as Nellie sat in the chair opposite groaning at the soreness of her muscles. "Am knackered, today was busy" she sighed nursing the gin in her hands.

Sweeney noticed the way her eyes seemed very far off as if something was troubling her. He gathered it was Toby, she had explained to him earlier how the boy was going to be visiting only at weekends now. As much as it didn't bother him where the boy lived the sadness in his bakers eyes was as pitiful image to him now. Weeks ago he wouldn't have cared about her feelings but the ever growing affection he was feeling towards her made it all the more difficult to ignore when something was troubling her.

"Pet" he whispered over to her.

"Hmm?" She mumbled turning her gaze slowly to him.

But before he could speak Johanna began to come too her eyes blinking open slowly as she carefully pulled herself off her fathers shoulder with a small groan "What time is it?" She yawned looking between the pair of them.

"Late love, I think you should get some sleep...I've set ya up a bed in the spare room so ya should..."

"Will you stay with me Nellie" she cut in surprising them all by her request. Mrs Lovett opened her mouth to speak only for it to close again. "I just need a mother right're the closest I have to one" Johanna's words had Nellies heart breaking. The fact Johanna wanted her to stay with her was so touching.

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