For the best

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Waking up with Mrs Lovett naked body in his arms was something Sweeney Todd had to admit he had missed a lot. Last night had been extremely passionate, giving into what built up sexual frustration they had from being separate for two weeks. Kissing and pleasing one another till they collapsed in a heap. Make up sex was something the barber had never experienced but it certainly was well worth the wait for it had been their hottest night yet.

With her sleeping in his arms with her back facing him, he couldn't help but run the tip of his nose down the soft slope of her neck before pressing sweet kisses to her bare shoulders. Running his arms tighter around her he smiled when she grumbled slightly. He was a mess, she was making him a gooey mess something he was far from. But waking up like this was something Sweeney Todd didn't want to have to go without again. He craved her now, needed her beside him, always...

Waking up to his kisses along her shoulders she smirked before turning around to face him. With a gentle smile on her face she cupped his cheek and kissed him softly only giggling when he pulled her naked thigh over his. "I've missed you" he whispered making her heart flutter like mad. Was he really telling her this? Was he really being this honest with his feelings? This wasn't the cold distant man she knew....

"You ad me all last night darlin" she purred back running her fingers gently down his stubbled cheek. "I love you Mr Todd" her eyes were so full of love it made him only smile back at her. Yet despite feeling how he was feeling right at this very moment he couldn't bring himself to say it back.

He wasn't ready, not yet. But in time he was sure he too could bring himself to say it back to her.

A loud knock had the pair of them turning their heads at the sound wondering who on earth would be banging at the door at this early hour. Getting out of bed Sweeney pulled up his trousers and began to fasten his belt around his waist while Eleanore sat up with the sheets covering her naked form. She smiled sweetly at him only to frown again at the sound of another knock this time a lot louder. "Who is that?" She said knowing it still must be very early.

Seeing him pick up his shirt and throw it on she decided she too better get dressed.

Heading out of the bed room the banging got louder as Sweeney reached the door. Opening it with clear irritation he was surprised to see an officer at his front door. "Mr Todd?" The officer addressed him to which he frowned and gave a small nod. Suddenly he felt sick, why on earth was an officer from the law here at his establishment?

"I'm here on some urgent business" The man said stepping into the shop to which Sweeney closed the door suddenly feeling anxious as to why he might be here.

Flicking through his notepad the officer cleared his throat before speaking "you may have heard the news already....but Judge Turpin is missing....his daughter and The beadle Branford" hearing him refer to Johanna as Turpin daughter had his teeth on edge. So little everyone knew...

"No I hadn't heard" came Sweeney calm reply only for the two men to glance over at his bedroom door as it opened. Eleanore stepped out still tying the back of her corset which had the officer glancing between the pair of them.

"Morning officer" she said breezily only to glance at Sweeney the pair of them sharing a knowing look. This couldn't be good.

"Good morning" he replied before getting back to his notepad.

"The reason I'm here Mr Todd is because some people seem to think The Judge was here last"


Eleanore felt as if her heart was in her throat and before she could even let Sweeney reply she beat him to it. "That's right dear" both of them looked towards her Sweeneys eyes far more surprised then the officers. What was she thinking!

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