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Warning ⚠️ This update contains violence and scenes some may find distressing

Smiling away as she poured her customers some water Mrs Lovett watched as Johanna chatted to one of the sailors sat at the booth. His name, Mr Joseph Tomlin, a sweet lad that had been showing his face more and more in her shop recently. However Mrs Lovett had a feeling it wasn't her pies that brought him back here these last couple of days, it was clear the boy had interests else where and for that she could only smirk to herself.

"Thank you Mrs Lovett" one of her customers said after she finished pouring their drinks. The shop had a handful of customers in this afternoon which was enough to keep them busy.

"Ya welcome dearies" came her chirpy reply as she headed back to her counter. Placing down the jug of water she continued to smile seeing Johanna laughing away with Joe. She was still smiling when Toby walked over to her with a fresh batch of pies.

He looked over his shoulder to see what was so amusing his mum. When he caught sight of Johanna giggling and chatting away with the young sailor he too shared a smirk before turning back to his mum "do you think she likes him?" He asked placing down the heavy tray of pies with a sigh, watching as his mum began to roll out some dough. A large cloud of flour puffed in the air as she slammed down some dough causing him to cough and for Mrs Lovett to chuckle before muttering a small apology.

"He's a good lookin lad, seems ta like comin ere a lot" her reply had Toby also smiling at this still waving his hand from the flour that came his way. The pair of them stayed silent as Johanna walked over to them her cheeks a little flushed and her smile still very much apparent on her beautiful face. She spotted how both Toby and Mrs Lovett were smirking at her and frowned.


Bursting into fits of giggles Toby looked at his mum who was also sharing in his amusement.

"What's so funny?" Johanna asked a little blunter this time. She had a feeling she knew what they were smirking about and for that she felt embarrassed.

"Looks like ya may ave a little admirer dear" she continued to giggle only for Johanna to look down shyly.

"Nellie.." she cringed glancing back over to Joe who gave her a small wave goodbye as he left which had Toby giggling away again also.

"Stop it!" Johanna playfully hit his arm.

"Johanna's in lovveeee" Toby teased making her go an even darker shade of red.

"Oi you, stop embarrassing her, go on clear off you ave jobs to be doin" Mrs Lovett batted him away playfully with a wash cloth. They watched as Toby returned to the customers while Johanna looked back at Nellie. She watched as the baker ran her floured hands down her corset covering herself in the white powder as always.

"What do you think of him?" Her girlish grin had Mrs Lovett smirking again as she continued to roll out some pastry. She was a sucker for young love, after all she had been so madly in love with Benjamin Barker at her age. It was ever so sweet and endearing, it made her alps giddy to think of some nice young man might be interested in the prospect of courting Johanna. The girl had been through enough heartbreak what with Anthony's death that it was only fair she had another shot at love.

"I think he's a strappin' young thing, if I were a few years younger I'd be on that too" her comment had Johanna laughing while shaking her head. Trust Eleanore Lovett to make such a crude statement. "Don't tell ya father I said that" she pointed towards her laughing along with Johanna only to stop suddenly as a strong thunder of heavy boots and shouting had alerted everyone's attention.

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