The truth behind it

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Tapping her fingers anxiously against the table Mrs Lovett waited patiently for Mrs Porter to arrive. It was around mid morning now and she had said to Toby earlier to ask if his aunt would come over for a chat as wanted to discuss Toby's future. Like she always said there was no time like the present and therefore decided after her awful evening yesterday she would wake up and focus on her son. She gave too much time Sweeney and right now the only person in her life that mattered was her boy.

She hadn't slept. Of course she hadn't because of that bloody man above who had her up crying all night. He could be such a bastard at times; would yell and accuse her of things never waiting around to hear her side of the story. And believe you me there was another side, a side she knew would make him feel regret for how he had spoken to her.

Thinking about him now she felt so frustrated. Why did he never just hear her out? Why does he have to raise his voice and get angry before hearing what she had to say first. He acted like a bleeding child at times tantrum after tantrum.

Sighing she brought herself to her feet to grab a glass of gin. She was anxious and needed to settle her nerves despite it still being early.

As the side door open she looked up seeing the demon himself appear. "Didn't think you were here" he murmured under his breath while closing the door. Clearly he was still sour which only pissed her off more. Why right did he have?

"Ere in me own shop? I suppose that is a coincidence" her sarcastic response had him glaring at her. There was a time she wouldn't dare talk back to him. Only now she wasn't as afraid of him....

"Drinking this early?" He asked with the most judgemental look she had seen from him. Now she was at boiling point.

"Ya know somthin' Todd, ya a pathetic excuse for a man" She snapped suddenly not caring what so ever for the fact his dangerous eyes were looking at her in a way to tell her to watch it. He had to admit he was taken back by her words and intrigued as to what she was getting at.

"Last night gave me time to think see.." she stated walking over to him meeting him face on unafraid by the murderer before her. "Ya act as if hearin' of me not so clean past dents ya reputation somehow, ya pride....yet ya had no regret treatin' me as such" he listened noticing the way her eyes looked at him so full of hate right now "for months ya ad me as ya mistress and not once did it bother ya then...." She was mad clearly very angry and for that he kept himself composed allowing her to get it all out.

"Do ya love me Sweeney?" Her question caught him off guard. Stood before him now hands on hips eyes looking at him with no sight of any nervousness. Her bold question had him lost for words...

"Of course ya don't....That's what I've come to realise...." She added however this time her gaze dropping saddened now by the realisation. "Ya see all you men are the same....ya want a little play thing to keep ya occupied, all until you meet the prefect well bred lady....ya knew I'd never be up to Lucy's standards, knew damn well there was no comparison and so ya thought why not?" Her words were sparking a nerve in him. The guilt was clear on his face as he looked at her. That wasn't true, he didn't think that at all, especially not these last few weeks...

"You could never love someone as low and damaged as me....ya had me because I was a convenience to ya....a whore like you said..."

"Eleanore...." He tried but was cut off.

"I'd never match ya beloved Lucy, your clean cut perfect I was just your play thing until ya got bored...."

"That's not-t"

The door opened to the front of the shop revealing Mrs Porter stood there in all her finery. "Oh sorry I do hope I'm not interrupting" she said spotting what looked to be a lover tiff?

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