Behind bars

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Johanna's eyes widened in surprise, close even to spitting out her tea as she watched Mrs Lovett walked into the pie shop dresses and ready for the day. "Nellie?" She said shocked to see her out of bed for the first time since her miscarriage.

It had been a few days now since her father was taken again from her life. Johanna had looked after the baker in the mean time helping her move when it was too painful to do alone, making her dinners and tending to her every needs while she was still so weak. However this morning she hadn't expected Mrs Lovett to waltz back into her shop as if these last few days never happened. She seemed to be better, not in as much pain it would seem as she moved. However Johanna felt on edge seeing her walk towards the coat stand and put on one of her long black coats.

She couldn't seriously be going out right now?

"I'm going to see your father" Mrs Lovett stated with nothing but determination dripping from her tone as she straightened out her coat.

"But you've only just got out of bed, I fear you'll cause yourself too much strain the bruising is still very apparent on your stomach and your aches are...."

"I'm fine" Nellie cut of Johanna's anxious waffling as she headed towards the girl with a small smile apparent on her face. "You've seen him, t'is only fair I get too" she whispered leaning down to press a sweet kiss to her forehead before she opened her door "don't be worrying' bout me now love...I promise you i'm feelin so much better" and with that said she left the shop.

Sighing after her Johanna sat and remembered what she had said to her father, warned him even. She had met him behind the bars of his cell as that was the only access to see him she was allowed in the prison. They had held one another's hand through the steel bars of the cell and exchanged a few words and a few tears.

Johanna had explained to her father of Mrs Lovetts condition. Had told him of her bereavement over her lost child. The news had unsurprisingly shocked him to his core, he clearly didn't have any inkling that Eleanore was pregnant....

The realisation of the very idea that one officer had beaten her to the point of killing their child had him seething. Of course there was a part of him that wasn't sure having a child was a good idea but to have it taken so brutally was something else. Johanna had noticed the way his eyes turned black with hatred as she told him the anger clearly bubbling away at him, he had scared her. Not intentionally of course but scared her even so...

She had never seen such a look in his eyes before, eyes that were capable of all sorts....even murder.

Yet despite all that she knew he was just worried about Mrs Lovett. He loved her after all and having someone you loved so vigorously attacked could turn anyone crazy. Johanna had felt those same kind of emotions when Anthony was taken from her that painful day....


Waiting for what seemed like forever Nellie huffed in frustration and knocked again on the door to the prison. "Ello!" She called only for the door to finally open to some gruff looking guard looking less then please to be disturbed from what seemed to be his break? She gathered that from the bowl of whatever slop he was eating and the small amount of residue around his lips. Her stomach twisted in disgust for it was quite a sight.

"What?" He grumbled wiping his snotty nose with the back of his sleeve while bringing the spoon up to his lips as he continued to chomp down on the food in small bowl he was holding.

"I'm ere as a visitor...."

The man didn't pay her much mind just continued to tuck into his greasy food. "I'm on break" he murmured about to close the door when she placed her hand out and stopped it.

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