The Devils Wife

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Toby had been surprised when the first thing he was asked to do by his mum was to go round London streets and collect as many mice as he could find and pop them in a bag. It was a weird request even to him to which he wondered what his mum needed with a bag full of mice? He had expected her to still be resting when he called by that morning, had expected to see her in bed recovering and yet he couldn't be more wrong.

'Toby love, I need you to fetch me a bag of live mice'. He wondered if when she had been attacked she had been knocked in the head a little. He hadn't asked questions despite the many he had but instead did as she asked him.

She clearly seemed happier now she had visited Mr Todd that morning but Toby couldn't help but wonder why on earth he was doing what he was doing. Had her sanity been taken as well as her unborn child?

However like the good boy he was, he did as she asked no matter how weird and went along collecting scatty mice by their tales and plonking them in a bag. They wriggled around a lot in the bag all stepping over one another and squeaking annoyingly as he walked down the streets.

He had to admit he was intrigued by what his mum intended to do with the mice. When she had asked him she had a naughty glint in her eye as if she was concocting an evil plan. It had amused him when she was in one of her troublesome moods it was always entertaining when she got like this.

Back at the pie shop Eleanore potted about her counter happy to be back on her feet and open again. The customers today had been so kind towards her after the majority of her regulars had witnessed her attack. Although Sweeney was adamant that everyone deserved to die she couldn't help but think there were still some people out there that were good natured. Kindness was hard to come by in London for people were greedy and starved of any quality of life. Only the rich were ever cheerful, they had reason to be what with their fine dinning and warm homes keeping them healthy unlike those poor bastards on the street. Mrs Lovett herself had no real warmth in her humble home, a small fire in the living room but that wasn't enough to heat the whole house.

However today showed her that despite what little people like her have kindness is the biggest gift. Well.....only to a certain extent. After all she had plans for a certain someone...

"Good afternoon Mrs Lovett" Mr Tomlin entered the shop removing his cap with a smile as he watched her walk over. The young man was ever so charming, no doubt he was here to see Johanna again.

"Ello love, meat pie?" She asked patting away some flour from her dress, tutting under her breath for the mess she had made of herself.

The young sailor smiled stepping closer and taking her hand in surprise that snapped her head back up to look at him. "I'm so sorry for what happened the other week, I heard from Johanna just what that bastard did to you and cost you" he continued to hold her hand as an act of sympathy. She gulped however being reminded of her loss and did her best to smile in return. No one had brought that up for no one would have known about the child she had been carrying. To hear it from his lips was very real to her and pulled at her already aching heart.

"Thank ya dear...." she said clearing her throat as if trying to keep it together "but I'm getting better....workin helps keep me mind busy and off things" she added as upbeat as she could muster after all Eleanore Lovett wasn't a woman to show any kind of sadness to paying customers, especially those that were very kind like this young man.

Releasing her hand he followed her to her counter and took a seat opposite from where she began to fetch him a pie. He liked the baker, a lot.

"If there anything I can would tell me"

Smiling sweetly in response Nellie found herself wondering if now would be a good time to mention the fact she needed help getting mr Todd out of prison. But just as she was about to say something Johanna headed into the room a small blush apparent on her face as she spotted Joe sat in the shop.

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