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"Where is she?!"

Toby lifted his head towards where the barber was standing bare foot in the pie shop. He looked mad and had clearly just thrown on his clothes as nothing was properly tucked in or zipped up. His hair was messier then usual and his eyes darker as well for that matter.

Usually when he appeared in one of his 'moods' Toby usually kept a distance and his mum was always the one to help calm him. She knew how to tend to him to relax him but with her not here he had nowhere to hide.

Toby assumed Mr Todd had spent the night with his mum considering he had left from her bedroom. The thought made him shudder not wanting to even think of what they must have been up to last night. Why someone as kind as his mum allowed him to treat her like he did had always confused Toby.

"Gone'ta the market, said she won't be long" he replied before crunching down into a juicy fruit pie. There was no denying he didn't like the barber and he knew the feeling was mutual.

Sweeney inwardly growled feeling annoyed she had been the one to leave him this morning! He shouldn't have stayed, shouldn't have given her the satisfaction of getting up before him and leaving him instead. No he was the one in control of whatever this was between them, he should have left!

"Good morning Mr Todd" came Anthony's cheery voice as he also headed into the shop from behind him.

"Morning" came his gruff response before he turned around and headed back to Mrs Lovetts bedroom. He felt so irritated, so annoyed that he was the one this time waking up to an empty bed. He had hoped to have snuck away the early hours of this morning and yet it seemed he had felt comfortable enough to cuddle her instead! What was next marriage!

Reaching his shoes he threw them on and aggressively tucked in his shirt. He knew deep down why he was so annoyed, it wasn't because of her, really it was to do with him. That one act of staying the night with her changed things made him seem as if he wanted to be there with her...which of course he did, however he was no where near letting her know that yet.

His feelings were breaking through and yet he didn't like it either. He kept convincing himself he didn't really care about her in that it was just sex! No connection, no strings just the pair of them enjoying each others body!

Yet even as he tried thinking in that way he knew if he lost her he would be broken. She was beginning to mean more to him then he thought! But what worried him most was showing that vulnerability. He didn't want to have her catch on, not yet anyway he was no where near ready for any kind of serious relationship.

Walking out of her room he slammed it shut behind him as he raced through her shop to get to his own. Both Anthony and Toby watched him climb his staircase stomping on each step like an annoyed child.

"He woke on the wrong side of the bed this mornin" Toby commented with a small chuckle finding the barbers mood quite funny.

"Tell Mrs Lovett I'm heading out" Anthony was not going to sit by another day knowing Johanna was still in that awful man's grasp. He wanted to see her again even if it was just through her window, he had's all he could think about...

"She's out"

Anthony frowned. That was unlike the baker to be up so early and out of the shop. "Well, I'll see you in a little while to help with this afternoons going to be ok on your own?" Anthony was ever so caring. He couldn't help but treat Toby as a younger brother, someone that needed looking after from time to time.

"I'm alright! Mum said she won't be too long, awful cheery she was this mornin' hate to fink its because of their antics last night" Anthony chuckled at that. The boy was not stupid...

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