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Tucking into a delicious crusty pastry Toby sat at the pie shop counter waiting for his mum to wake. He had had one of the best nice sleeps last night and was feeling rather chipper this morning, not to mention excited to go spend the money his mum had generously given him last night. He wanted to head out this morning so he had been up early ready for a visit to the market.

Upon hearing his mum shut her bedroom door he watched as she headed into the shop dressed and ready for the day, however she looked rather sad and lacking of sleep it seemed from the dark circles around her eyes. She had been so happy last night, it seemed that woman had vanished this morning.

"Morning love" she smiled weakly before heading over to out the kettle on the stove.

"You ok mum? Ya look awfully tired ya do" he could see as she turned to look at him her eyes were a little puffy from what he assumed was tears? She didn't look very happy at all.

"Did ya know it's rude to say that to a woman of my age?" She smirked "I'm fine dear, just tired is all" she lied before placing on a sweet smile to hide her broken heart. After Sweeney leaving her last night so quickly after their love making had her feeling hurt. She knew he wasn't going to stay with her yet the quickness in which he had up and left made her feel hurt. She felt rather used by him...

But then she supposed it was a break through as well. It had been amazing, thrilling and exciting with every touch and kiss. She also had to remember that if it was just sex he might not have kissed her like he did...he could have just got straight into it without those tender kisses he had given her.

She didn't know....

She wondered whether she was being silly, after all they both got what they wanted last night. She wanted him just as much and if it was just sex at this point of time she knew it was better then no affection at all.

"Mum" Toby's concerned voice had jogged her from her thoughts to which she blinked and shook her head.

"Sorry love, was miles away..." the kettle soon began to whistle and for that she turned to pour herself a cup of tea. The steam from the kettle warmed her on this chilly morning, winter was fast approaching now so hot drinks were sure to be a life saver.

"I'm gonna head to the market this mornin' anything ya want me to pick up?" He asked continuing to watch her closely as she made herself a cuppa.

"No love, you enjoy ya self....have the morning off, I can manage on me own for a bit"

The shop door opened and her first customer walked in to which she turned and plastered on a smile "mornin love, what can I get for ya?" She asked sipping at her tea as the gentleman sat down in the booth.

"Got any apple pies this morning Mrs Lovett?" He asked removing his hat and gloves.

"Will bring one over in a tick" with that she winked at Toby who smiled in response before tucking back into his pie. Today was gonna be a good day, he could feel it.


"Mr Todd!"

Jumping out of his skin due to the young sailor running into his shop Sweeney growled before glared at him. The young boy was so annoying when he did this, he may have saved his life once but Sweeney thought about killing him all the same!

"Sorry sir" Anthony responded releasing he had irritated his friend already. Closing the door he approached the barber who was busy cleaning his razors. He hadn't seen him since there return to London, Anthony had hoped the barber would have been pleased to see him.

"I've found her sir, your daughter...." he spat out in a rush. Anthony had always been grateful to mr Todd for saving his life when they were at sea. He vowed he would make it up to him somehow, so knowing of the barbers traumatic past Anthony did his best to find Johanna the girl Mr Todd spoke so much of.

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