The End

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"Fredrick Todd! Ow many times ave I told ya to put that book down an take these shirts up to ya father" His mothers frustrated voice from across her busy shop of customers alerted the boy. Within seconds he jumped up from the chair in the living room after being caught slacking again. Age 7 now Freddie as he was usually addressed (unless he was in trouble) had grown up to be the very spitting image of his father Sweeney Todd. With jet black hair and striking features he was already a very handsome young lad who also like to keep himself to himself. A quite boy, just getting by, kept his head down at school and had little in the way of friends.

Despite being lucky enough to go to school during the week Freddie was also a little bit of a loner, again much like his father. He never spent much time playing with the local children, instead he was more interested in escaping the reality of the real world by losing himself in a good book. He loved to read much like his mum did most evenings after her busy day running her pie shop. There was nothing better then getting lost in adventure stories dreaming of being a brave hero like the men he would read about in his books, saving a damsel in distress...

When we was younger he used to snuggle in close by his mothers side as she read to him beside an open fire. He would love the sound of her soft voice reading a story. She could be so animated too, changing her tone for the different characters that usually had him in fits of giggles when she deepened  her voice when reading the male part. He missed spending time with her for she always seemed so busy as was his father working above.

He loved his father also. Just recently they had become a lot closer making time for one another as he too was ever so busy with work.

As he saw his mum approach he placed his book mark quickly into the pages and picked up the shirts she had given him to take up half an hour ago. She let out a dramatic sigh after catching his head in a book again and shook her head towards him.

"Love come on I need ya help" Nellie huffed crossing her arms  as he apologised and made his way towards her.

Despite being a little irritated she couldn't resist ruffling his hair as he went on past smiling sweetly as she watched him. Having him had been the very best thing to happen to her, Freddie had brought them so much joy and happiness when he was born, the prefect child even if he was a bookworm that never got anything else done "An tell ya father I need e'm to elp me with the coal" she added.

"Nel!" She heard Johanna call for her and with that she quickly drew herself out of her thoughts to help Johanna. Between the two of them they kept the business afloat working hard each day to keep the money coming in. It wasn't as if they were poor now, however there was still that extra mouth to feed and for that Sweeney and Nellie never wanted their son to go without a meal like they once had done.

Johanna still worked in the shop but had moved out with her now husband just down the road in a lovely London flat that they were able to call there own. Thomas, her partner an accountant working at the bank just down the road from them had been her perfect match. The pair of them dated for awhile before deciding to tie the knot themselves not long after Freddie was born. The last few years many things had changed but those changes just seemed to bring more exciting times and the family closer together.

Upstairs Sweeney was just finishing off with his customer as he noticed his boy enter the shop his hands full with clean ironed shirts. He smiled a little watching as Freddie placed them down with a sigh much like his wife sometimes does when she brings him things up from downstairs. The two of them were very similar, Sweeney had to admit he found it touching just how alike Freddie was to his mother.

"Is this your lad" the customer asked looking at the boy from the barbers chair as Sweeney was just finishing up with him.

"Sure is" He smiled proudly towards Freddie who grinned back. Being a father again had its moments for him, at first he had kept himself tucked away letting Nellie get on with raising their baby. He didn't know how to act at first, didn't know how to be a father for he felt he had been cheated of that with Johanna. Yet as the years rolled by Sweeney was able to build a loving relationship with his son, giving him the father that he wished he had been for his little girl growing up.

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