Half the fun is to plan the plan

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With her ear pressed gently against the door Mrs Lovett new Johanna was in this room. That soft voice singing so sadly behind this door just had to be her. Looking around for any sort of key she ran her hand along a top of an oil painting that was on the wall only to notice the portrait looked a little odd. Her fingers gently grazed over the face on the large painting, her breath hitched in the back of her throat for what she found next.

A peep hole!

Her heart began to hammer madly when she pushed the eye of the painting to one side and leaned down. Looking through she could see right into the bedroom and saw a beautiful young lady with long golden hair crocheting in a rocking chair as she gently hummed to herself.

Removing her self from the painting Eleanore felt disgusted by what she had discovered. A spy hole for whoever go watch....

She was only 15 and yet she was sure Turpin and maybe even the beadle had watched her through this. The violation of privacy was enough to turn her stomach!


A small shriek of surprise left her lips as she spotted a pair of eyes looking at her from down the hall. Turpin.

"Ya gave me a fright" she breathed covering her chest with her hand as he approached her his eyes menacing for the first time that had her feeling vulnerable.

"What are you doing up here?" His face looked far from pleased. Luckily he hadn't seen her discovery of the peep hole but even so he seemed on edge. For the first time his 'sweet' demeanour was beginning to crack and the real Judge Turpin was slowly breaking through.

"I got lost...was looking for the ladies" she lied with such ease before turning her attention to the door she "who's in there?" She asked bravely only for him to purse his lips at her. He didn't know if he should really say, however since the baker had already discovered Johanna there was no point in lying to her either. She wasn't to know if the truth of the girl behind that door and for that he was able to lie.

"My ward" her eyes met his as he continued "her parents died in a tragic accident, for years I have looked after her" his lie would make most swoon with adoration however she knew it to be far far from the truth. Yet playing along she reached out and placed her hand on his arm "you're surprising me more and more..." her lips twitched into a smirk and for the first time she had the Judge where she wanted him.

Many a times she had seen that same look of desire in a man's eyes. For her she knew just how to control them when they had nothing but lust spread across their faces. Men were so easily manipulated.....

Moving closer to her he reached out and lifted her chin to look at him. "You have the most delicious looking lips..." his hot breath fanned across her as he drew in closer. He was going to kiss her!


Bracing herself she jumped when she heard a second voice "Sorry to interrupt but Toby has been taken ill" Sweeneys voice had her almost sighing in relief. Thank god he got here before Turpin was able to kiss her.

The judge frowned at this and turned back to the baker. "I better go, me boy needs me dear" with that said she was able to move away "I'll come by tomorrow, I'd like to meet her" she whispered the last part with a sweet smile which had him smirking back at her.

"Please do"

Sweeney watched as Mrs Lovett approached him and quickly the pair of them were fast to get down the stairs. "Thank you love" she said quietly to him as they made their leave. Relief was an understatement, the judge had nearly kissed her and there would have been nothing she could have done to stop him if Sweeney hadn't turned up when he did.

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