Who is she?

391 14 33

Warning! Contains smut

Toby love, would ya pick up that loaf" Mrs Lovett said juggling her wicker basket in the crook of her arm. The market was a busy one today, lots of people were out and so many seems to get in the way.

Loosening the silk scarf she wore around her neck, which hid her bruises from the day before Mrs Lovett paid the lady behind the stool and watched as Toby placed a fresh loaf of bread in her already full basket.

"Now where to mum?"

She was thankful Toby hadn't bothered her with questions about yesterday antics. She had simply lied as told him that she saw a giant rat that frightened her. He seemed to believe her and decided not to question it further. As for telling a lie it wasn't her best but as long as it done the trick that's all that mattered.

As for Mr Todd. She had no idea.

What possessed him to kiss her like that she would never know. What she did know however was that he had probably regretted it the minute it was over. The way he ran off and left her was telling. Yet despite feeling hurt at first there was no denying she enjoyed it, there was obvious attraction there and for that she had been practically gleaming afterwards. It gave her such a confidence boost, knowing she was attractive to him...

Her near run in with death didn't seem to bother her at all now. No it was replaced with their heated kiss down in her basement, how he held her, how he kissed her....how he nearly claimed her...


Snapping from her throats Mrs Lovett cleared her throat as her mind seemed clouded by Sweeney again.

"Sorry love, yes let's pick up some fruits now, been thinking about an apple pie, ows that sound?" She asked in her cheery manner.

Toby's eyes brightened with a gleaming smile to match "sounds amazing mum!" With that said he began to pick some apples from the next stool eagerly placing them in a brown paper bag.

Again Mrs Lovett was quick to pay the gentleman behind the fruit stand and waved him goodbye as they left through the crowd.

"Toby slow down!" She called to him trying her best to catch up with the young lad. But just as she turned her attention away for the slightest of seconds she bumped quickly into someone almost toppling her over.

"Am so sorry sir..." she felt her insides twist looking at the man who had caught her mid fall. His hands on her waist and arm helping her steady herself.


"Are you alright miss?" He asked in his deep gravelly tone that made her shiver nervously.

"Lovett sir" her reply made him smirk at her a little. She seemed flustered and he like when women became anxious around him.

The beadle stood watching from behind eye the baker like she was a piece of meat for sale.

"Am awful sorry, didn't look where I was goin, me young boy ran off and was trying to catch up with e'm" she explained quickly nervous to be stood talking to him. The man was so powerful, he oozed confidence and wealth. His suit alone would cost more then a months wage for her.

Turpin seemed too examine the baker with his eyes allowing himself to explore her petite body as if he owned it. "You have a son Mrs Lovett?" He suddenly asked making small talk it seemed.

"Ur..ur ye-s well, he ain't mine as such, kinda adopted e'm ya see...poor thing was on the streets" she lied knowing full well when the boy ended up in her care.

"How very generous of you" Turpin said with a small smirk as he looked into her eyes intently.

"You're that baker I've been hearing so much about, is that right?" He added which had the beadle chiming in  on their conversation.

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