The invite

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Reaching the Judges house Nellie took in a deep breath before walking up the small steps to his front door. Clearing her throat and adjusting her neckline a little lower she smirked before turning her attention to the door. She could do this, as anxious as she might be she knew her body alone would catch any man's eye and for that she felt vaguely confident.

Reaching out she knocked twice on the door her lace gloves not keeping away the coldness in the air. As she waited she checked over her shoulder subtly to check there were no on lookers. After all she didn't want it going around that she was now calling at the Judges house, her reputation was so good right now she didn't want to damage it.

As the door opened her head flung back and she faked a smile seeing Turpin there looking rather pleased it was her at the door. "What a pleasant surprise" his deep voice boomed eyeing the small baker before him.

"Am awfully sorry to trouble ya, I wondered if I may take a moment of ya time?"

His eyes fell to her chest again before reaching her eyes. "Of course, do come in" it took her everything not to sneer at him, he was ever so obvious!

As she entered the building Mrs Lovett looked around at the fine ornaments and expensive looking decor. His London home was like a walk in museum with lots of taxidermy hanging from the walls. She loved animals so it wasn't such a pretty sight.

"May I?" He interrupted her thoughts taking off her coat and hanging it up on a book by his door "I'm glad to see you wearing the necklace" Sweeney had told her to keep it on, it was best for her to look as if his gesture meant something. What was a nice gesture from her boy was now tainted by Turpin, like everything he touched.

"I love it" she lied with a smile taking hold of the silver chain and running her fingers delicately along. His eyes watched her in hunger, he wanted to remain a gentleman to her as of now and so held back from taking full advantage of the woman before him. She was so beautifully on display, her eyes alone sent his lustful mind reeling.

"Do come in" he extended his arm out to the living room where she smiled again and walked into the room taking in the dark red walls. Her barber would love this, for it would remind him of blood...

"I was meaning to call by your establishment" he began walking towards his wooden desk and opening a draw which had her growing. "But I've been out of town you see....ah here"

Pulling out what looked like a small card she watched as he walked towards her and handed it over. "It's an invitation, for my ball" suddenly she felt anxious, the ball where so many women had been attacked, so many destroyed after what he did. She wondered if his intentions were to make her his next victim. After all look what happened to Lucy barker....

"Mrs Lovett?" He pushed eyeing the baker as she gulped and forced a smile.

"That's awfully kind, I wonder would it be ok to be escorted by my friend....his name is Mr Todd"

Turpin knew exactly who she meant. It was the beadle that warned him that this barber was some what involved. Well he was sure to make an end of that.

"Of course"


Anthony sat nervously in one of the booth tapping his foot wondering what he should do. If he told the barber that Mrs Lovett had run off to The Judges house he was sure his friend would have a fit. After all, she went against their agreement and for that he was sure that Sweeney Todd would be far less then pleased.

As the side door to Mrs Lovetts shop flung open Anthony felt somewhat relieved it was the barber. At least now he may have the courage to tell him of her whereabouts. On the other hand it looked as if the barber was already in a bad mood.

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