A Crush

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Johanna gasped her eyes wide and her hands quick to cover her mouth in surprise. The couple in front of her smiled at one another looking happy beyond words. They were getting married! The two people she loved most were going to tie the knot and for that she couldn't help but burst with joy seeing Mrs Lovetts happy face as she looked lovingly towards her father.

"Oh gosh this is wonderful news" she gushed rushing over to the pair of them hugging them both before taking Eleanore's hand in search for a ring only to frown at the piece of string wrapped around her ring ringer. "Ummm...."

"T'is all he had on him" she laughed before Sweeney cut in.

"But I will buy her a real one..."

"You'll do nothin' of the sort love, I love this piece of string for what it represents....better then any shiny diamond" she smiled pressing a kiss to his cheek happily.

Johanna giggled shaking her head at the pair of them yet still not letting go of Eleanore's hand. They looked so happy and loved up Johanna found it hard to believe her father had such a soft side "I'm guessing it was spontaneous father...." She couldn't help but continue to smile considering Mrs Lovett had a thin piece of string wrapped around her finger. She had hoped when her father proposed to Mrs Lovett that he would go out of his way to buy her a nice ring, a piece of sting wasn't what Johanna had imagined for the baker.

"Well not exactly" his words surprised both of them, for Nellie had thought it was a spur of the moment kind of thing. "I had planned on asking you weeks ago...before I was thrown into prison but there never seemed to be the right moment, tonight I felt it but am sorry I didn't prepare and buy you a proper ring" his soft mumbling had the bakers heart melting.

Oh how she loved him so...

"This here..."she held out her hand referring to the ring of string around her finger "...is perfect love, it was so romantic of you and for that I love it" she smirked knowing by he felt embarrassed now. Sweeney Todd was not a man to make romantic gestures, his idea of romance was taking her to bed, yet even that at times was more lust then love. After all this was her stern and moody barber and even now she could see he looked visibly uncomfortable for looking like a real softy. 

Johanna also smiled at this seeing her father look down awkwardly. "Ever so romantic father" she added placing her hand over her heart truly blown away by him this evening.

Clearing his throat he new this soppy talk was far to uncomfortable for him. "I'm tired, I'll say my goodnight Johanna" he excused himself kissing his daughter on her on the cheek before leaving the two women alone.

Johanna grinned back towards Mrs Lovett seeing just how happy the baker looked and for that she hugged her tight. "You're so perfect" she said pulling at the bakers heartstrings, Johanna's approval meant a great deal.

"Thank ya me darlin" Mrs Lovett smiled pulling back to look at the young girl, tucking a stray piece of hair behind her ear. "It means a great deal to me that you're happy also"

Hugging her in response Johanna squeezed her lovingly. "You're the mother I never had, I'm so grateful for you Eleanore" Johanna gushed hugging her tight and meaning every word. She had never known the love of a mother, yet Eleanore seemed to make up for that hole in her heart. She had been so attentive and caring, Mrs Lovett was a good woman and Johanna couldn't be happier her father was going to marry her.

Hugging her back with the same amount of affection Nellie had to hold her tears back. This evening was getting more and more surreal, it was perfect. Finally she would have the family she always dreamed off. Never again would she be alone, never again would she be crippled by sadness like she once had been.

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