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Placing down a batch of fresh pies Mrs Lovett smiled sweetly as Johanna came straight over to help her. After last nights altercation they seemed to both carry on as if it never happened. Of course Johanna was still very much shaken by it all and as was Eleanore, after all she was nearly assaulted in the worst way any woman could bare think about.

But they had a job to do. Not only that, today was Mr Todd's court case and for that they needed to focus their attention on him. What happened last night would have to be put on hold. Business needed to continue and the pair of them continued to serve and put a smile on their face for their customers.

"Er we are dear, one meant pie and a glass of ale" Mrs Lovett said placing down the items in front of Joe who smiled kindly at her as she did so. The young sailor was here almost every day now, Mrs Lovett had joked with him the other day that if he kept this up she would be throwing him an apron to help her run the shop.

"Mrs Lovett, I wanted to wish you luck today" he said softly making her smile back sweetly as she cleared away a few dirty dishes on the table beside him.

"Like I said to ya the other day, as long as Mrs Mooney gets er story right it should all go smoothly...but if your offer still stands..."

"Then I will gladly do what I can to help you" he cut in.

Like Eleanore had planned a while ago she was able to convince the young lad to help her with a story if things took a turn for the worst. She knew it was bad, could cost him greatly if he were caught for purgery, but then she wasn't all sweetness and light. She needed her barber, even if it meant the lad could replace him behind bars for lying to the court.

Yet Mrs Lovett knew it would be unlikely that they would have to use Joe in court, for there was no real evidence against Sweeney. After all with her visit to Mrs Mooney Nellie was confident that her threat to cause merry hell would make her change her story. 

"Mrs Lovett I wondered whether I may take you out for dinner one evening?" Joe's invitation had surprised her. If anything it made her heart ache a little knowing she would send this innocent soul to the gallows for her own selfish reasons. But then as she met his gaze she couldn't help but subtly gulp. Nellie knew she had seen that look in others before him. It was clear to her now that perhaps his constant visits here were not for Johanna, but herself.

"I urm.." suddenly she felt nervous now that there was a shift in atmosphere between them.

"Would ya not want to spend that money on Johanna love?" She did her best to remain chipper and calm despite the dread knowing all to well this young sailor was looking for her company rather then the young girl. Johanna was currently chatting away with one of her regulars to notice...

"Johanna is a lovely girl Mrs Lovett...but my dinner invite is for you" his dark brown eyes and handsome smile had her nervous. But not the giddy kind, oh no this wasn't a good feeling...

For the first time Eleanore felt stumped for words. What the hell was she supposed to say? She needed Joe as her backup if things escalated in the court. Yet this was highly inappropriate to ask her when he knew full well her intentions were on Mr Todd and only him. Not only that but it seemed he had been playing Johanna for a fool!

"Joe I didn't know you were here" came Johanna's cheery voice as she approached them. Nellie cleared her throat awkwardly and smiled sweetly at her before excusing herself.

"Best go check on that batch of pies" as soon as she left Johanna couldn't help but notice the way Joe's gaze seem to follow her. That alone had her frowning a little...

Cursing to herself under her breath Eleanore found herself yet again in another problem. In all her years working here she had never once got the kind of male attention she received nowadays. True she was speaking to more male customers now, for at one time she didn't have a single one.. How had she not noticed that his visits here were for her? What the hell would she tell Johanna? The girl was smitten with him.

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