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Constructive criticism is welcomed but I'm a sensitive little bitch so don't go too hard on me 🏃💨🏳️‍🌈

Saiki Mind Speaking
Normal talking

'I've got a bad feeling.'

As Saiki glared out his window, contemplating on whether to jump out or not, he felt weirdly uneasy.

"Ku-chan, breakfast!" Kurumi Saiki shouted to her son. Saiki teleported to the table to see his father already there, sitting with an unusually serious expression.

'He kinda looks constipated.'

"Kusuo, there's something me and your mother have been discussing and I think it's time we tell you," Kuniharu continued,"I've been offered a new job in Tokyo." His face slowly morphed from a serious to a smug expression.

Kurumi stood there, waiting for her son's reaction. A large package of coffee jelly in the fridge was what she planned on using to bribe him. She knows how he cares for his friends, even if it's just a little bit, and she knows he will miss their... interesting personalities.

Why are you getting a new job? Do the shoes in Tokyo taste better or something?

The sass.

"Rude! You cheeky brat!" Kuniharu yelled as he pointed a finger at his son, who had sat down and was munching on a coffee jelly that he stole from the fridge.

When are we moving.
Saiki watched his father, musing an unimpressed face at his childishness.

"Ku-chan, are you excited to move?" Kurumi asked with too much vigor for her son's liking.

No, not really. Normally, I would have already known, but since Kusuke gave you both copies of his telepathy blockers, I haven't been able to hear your thoughts, I'm surprised. Saiki says with a blank expression.

Kurumi sulks, her husband coming to hug her as a romantic gesture. "It's ok my sweet darling! Just wait till we tell him about his new school, then I guarantee he'll be excited!"

'Yare yare, they are so dramatic.'

Why is my new school so special? Saiki asks as he takes another bite of the jelly. His father's expression drops, watching Saiki creepily. "I thought you said you couldn't read our thoughts!"


You are a certified dumbass. Can't you tell when you say stuff out loud?

"Anyways! Because your father is such a handsome and talented hunk, he was able to get you a full ride scholarship to a prestigious academy! I think you'll really enjoy it Ku! It's quite big so I'm sure you'll find a quiet place to fully indulge in your introverted emo self!" Kurumi says a little too happily as if she didn't just expose her own son.

'Ouch. Thanks.' :[

"You're so right my lovely," Kuniharu continued," we were going to tell you sooner but it slipped my mind,teehee!"

"We've got 3 days to pack, so you might as well start now!" Kurumi exclaimed.

'Yare yare. At least I won't have to deal with PK anymore. It's not like I'll miss them. I guess it'll be less interesting now.'

That's the end of chapter 1. This was fun. There are a lot of Saiki k books, but not as many as I would like, so I decided to make this I guess. I think I can officially say that this is a certified slay. I don't have a writing schedule since this whole thing is new to me, but I enjoyed this a lot.

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