Toritsuka's Fat Ass

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Chapter 22

Saiki mind speaking


Normal talking

Saiki opened the door, and before he could even step out, he was engulfed in a hug.

"Saiki, save me! That crazy bitch is trying to sacrifice me to her voodoo gods!" Toritsuka cried as he clung to Saiki.

Aiura gasped loudly, putting a hand in front of her mouth, she said,"What? Why would I do something so horrible to you, Toritsuka!"

Kuboyasu, being the sensible person he was, tried to pry Toritsuka off. "Stop being such a baby. She won't actually," Kuboyasu looked back to Aiura and then to Toritsuka,"Ok so she might, but that doesn't mean you can just cling to people." Kuboyasu was holding Toritsuka by the collar of his shirt, like a cat with its kitten.

Couldn't you have asked before coming over.

"When have we ever done that?" Kaido asked, genuinely curious.

'Yare, yare.'

I have a guest right now so can't you all behave for one moment?

"What? Buddy has new friends? Not fair! I'm supposed to be your ramen buddy!"

"I can't believe you've already forgotten about us, Saiki! Woe is me, for I have been forsaken!" Aiura, being her overdramatic self, cried out as she leaned on Teruhashi who patted her head softly.

However, over Aiura's fake tears, he heard real cries. Actually, more like sobs.

"No! It's not true! S-Saiki wouldn't forget about us! H-H-He's not l-like that!" Kaido cried.

'Why is he stuttering so much? What a pain.'

Quit crying Kaido, I haven't forgotten about any of you.

"Aiura, look! Saiki's wearing his bracelet!" Toritsuka yelled, pointing to Saiki's wrist.

Saiki reflexively covered his wrist with his hand, turning his head to the side to stare at the concrete steps.

"Look! He's embarrassed!"

At this point, Kyoya decided it was a good idea to step outside to introduce himself.

"Excuse me?" Kyoya said, as the small group turned their attention to the tall, seemingly glowing man.

"I'm Kyoya Ootari. Please feel free to call me Kyoya." Saiki looked back up to Kyoya who was now standing beside Saiki. His hand rested loosely on the small of Saiki's back.

The group gawked at him for a moment, for a moment they were completely silent. "Oh my god. Saiki, I can't see his aura, but I bet it's sexy." Aiura said with a deadpan expression.

"Aiura! You can't just say that to people you've just met! Please have some tact." Teruhashi said.

"Thank you, Aiura-san. You flatter me."

"Woah. I think he's seducing me." Nendou said, scratching his chin. Kaido nodded before slapping his cheeks.

"Just call me Aiura," she said before cupping a hand around Saiki's ear and whispering.

"Is this the girlfriend?"

Saiki was so appalled, he didn't know what to say. So, he said the one thing that popped into his head.

Saiki in OHSHC (Gay Bitches)Where stories live. Discover now