Precognitions and Kyoya's Kisses

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Saiki mind speaking


Normal talking

Warning: Mild descriptions of a mutilated corpse/blood/death

He couldn't stop them from shaking. His hands were trembling as he held them in front of his face. His eyes watered, blurring everything from sight. Though, maybe that was a blessing. It gave his eyes a break from all the red.

Saiki rubbed furiously at his eyes with those shaky hands desperately trying to rid himself of the tears pouring out of them. His green tinted glasses were pushed onto his forehead as he continued to wipe. However, the more he wiped, the more he could feel the warm liquid spread across his cheeks. It had a rusty scent, a truly unpleasant aroma.

Saiki dropped his hands to his sides as his glasses slid back down onto his nose. He stared into that deep red pool of rust smelling, liquid garbage.

'Blood?' He thought as he finally recognized the puddle.

The closer Saiki looked, the more he recognized a silver piece of metal doused in red. It had a long, skinny handle and a large clump with bumps at the top.

'A hammer of some sort? Wait, is that a meat mallet?' Saiki thought.

For some reason his powers weren't working; a sign this was either a dream or his precognition in action.

Saiki looked up from the bloody puddle to the figure laying on the floor. Saiki couldn't tell who it was. Normally, you could easily identify someone just by looking at their face. Unfortunately, this person didn't seem to have one. In fact, the entire head was missing.

A headless body laid on the ground, in what Saiki was assuming, its own blood. Muscles that connected the neck to the head were splayed out on the floor, one end still connected to the corpse. Blood was pooling quickly around the mutilated body, but Saiki's attention was caught when he saw the person's left arm.

The arm was flattened. It was completely flat, as if it melted, just laying on the floor with small indentations in it, not unlike the small bumps on the mallet that Saiki had noticed covered in blood seconds prior.

Something stood out to Saiki, something that was on his own body instead of the dead one just a few feet away. The nails on his fingers were chipped and broken. He also saw small amounts of dried blood under the nails. They looked as if he was trying to claw at something, desperately trying to flee.

However, the worst part was the smell. Besides the heavy scent of rust, a putrid rotting meat smell overloaded Saiki's senses.

He looked around, trying to find exactly where he was. He found himself to be in the baking club's room, surrounded by ovens and closets of ingredients. The lights were off and he could see the batter for a strawberry cake sitting on the counter with the oven already heated up to the right degree. Drawers were flung open with thrown utensils all around the club's floor.

Suddenly, light flooded into one side of the room by the double doors. Saiki looked over to them and saw someone walk through with two large gallon containers of something.

"I'm back." The person said.



Saiki woke up, jolting his body upwards. Sweat poured from his forehead as he tried to focus his eyes. He looked around the room to find that he was no longer in the baking club's room, but his own bedroom, in his own bed.

Saiki in OHSHC (Gay Bitches)Where stories live. Discover now