Dingy Basements & Soft Hands

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Saiki mind speaking
Normal talking

Renge, I don't think that's such a good idea.

She looked at Saiki. Her hand had been raised in the air with a fist to show her enthusiasm, but after what Kusuo said, she became confused. She looked at him, slowly pulling her fist back towards her chest.

"What are you talking about? It's obvious that you like him, so why not go for it?" She asked.

Saiki thought for a moment. Obviously he was nervous. If he confessed to Kyoya and he rejects him, he wouldn't know how to handle it. Most likely, Saiki would never be able to look him in the eyes again. And he would certainly miss those eyes.

I don't think he likes me like that.

"Are you crazy? Have you seen the way he stares at you? He's totally head over heels, inside out, and upside down for you!" Renge declared.

If you haven't noticed, Renge, he looks at everyone with 'those eyes'. He is a host after all.

She looked a little taken aback. "But... it just... You might not believe me but I know it's different from how he looks at those other rich kids!"

'Yare, yare.'

Do what you want.

Renge grinned wide enough to make it seem a bit creepy. "Alright! Now let's get out of this dragon's dungeon! I'm starting to get hungry." She said, acting cheeky.

They turned towards the stairs and began their travel up, Renge slipping a few times because of the random puddles.

I thought rich kids were supposed to have more grace.

"Can it, pinkie." Obviously embarrassed, she furrowed her brows. She didn't slip anymore after that.

The two made it back into the well lit hallway. They both squinted, their eyes not yet used to the bright overhead lights.

'Where did he run off too?'

Saiki heard a thought not from far away. He immediately thought it was Kyoya, but the internal voice sounded a bit different. In fact, it sounded a lot like the voice he had tried catching earlier before he heard Renge sniffling in the basement.

Here, let's go this way.

They rounded a few corners. The thoughts of the other person have since ceased, which was strange. Usually people have a continuous internal monologue, however this person didn't seem to have one. It's like when you're concentrating really hard on something or watching a video.

"Hey, Saiki, wait up. You're walking too fast." Renge whined.

That's usually a sign to get more exercise.

"Rude." She pouted again.

After speeding up a bit more, Kusuo finally passed a corner and saw something at the end of the hallway. It was the flutter of a black piece of clothing going behind one of the walls.

'Why the hell is he following me? Was I found out that quick?'

'Duh, I'm a psychic. Fuckin loser.'

Renge, hurry up.

"I'm trying but you're going 20 mph with those long ass legs!" Renge eventually just decided on speeding up as much as she could and then grabbing onto the arm fabric of Saiki's blazer.

Saiki turned the corner along with Renge and they saw it. A hooded figure standing in the middle of the hallway staring at them. To Kusuo, it seemed familiar, like someone he had seen before-

Saiki in OHSHC (Gay Bitches)Where stories live. Discover now