Cuts and Dora Band-Aids

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Saiki mind speaking
Normal talking

She looked down at their hands, still intertwined, and furrowed her brow.

"Saiki, you can let go now." She said.

Her tone seemed a little harsh, but Kusuo didn't even notice. He was too busy trying to process Kyoya kissing him. Albeit not a real kiss, but one just for them.

Saiki finally dragged his eyes away from Kyoya's to Renge's.


He pulled his hand away.

Or he would have. If Kyoya had let him.

Kyoya spoke up, "Sorry, Kusuo. Do you mind if we stay like this a little longer? Your hands are soft."

Without needing to think about it, Kusuo nodded. Maybe he did this with a little too much enthusiasm, but at the moment he didn't seem to care.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Saiki stood behind the twins next to Kyoya as they all watched and listened to Renge yell on and on about the 'characters' that the other hosts weren't portraying right, or about how the scene wasn't going exactly how it should.

She ran off somewhere mumbling about finding thugs and Haruhi ran after her.

Do you think this will work?

Kyoya glanced down at Kusuo from his clipboard. "Maybe. Why do you ask?"

I haven't been here long, but even I can tell that this doesn't really suit the hosts. Aren't you a little worried if your clients will like the new change?

Kyoya smiled, "I wouldn't say worried exactly. It seems that whatever these buffoons do, they are able to pull it off and make it look good."

Kusuo nodded, but Kyoya continued.

"Why do you ask? Are you worried for me?" Kyoya said with a teasing lift in the corner of his mouth.


No, I'm not worried one bit.

Kusuo crossed his arms so that they sat comfortably instead of hanging at his sides. Kyoya huffed out a satisfactory laugh. Apparently, messing with Kusuo was his next favorite thing.

Suddenly, the hosts heard a crash as Tamaki ran over to the other side of the building. Not long after, the rest of the hosts and Saiki followed. They saw how Tamaki got angry and slammed one of the boys up against the wall. After the misunderstanding was cleared,they saw Renge celebrating with the Hollywood director because apparently he had still been filming.

Haruhi was over by Tamaki, both were looking at Renge with unfavorable expressions.

The next thing Kusuo saw was Kyoya smashing a camera.

Saiki was stunned. This was the first time he had seen Kyoya use force. It was quite scary.

His face remained neutral despite the shattered glass shining from the grass beneath his feet.

"My apologies, however we cannot have any video of any host club member enacting violence."

"What but Kyoya-" Renge began speaking,but was soon cut off by Kyoya.

"It seems you've caused enough trouble for us, Renge. Please stop being such a pest. " He said in a calm manner.

Tears filled Renge's eyes as she started yelling, "A pest? Is that all I am to you? You're supposed to comfort me and tell me everything's alright! You're supposed to pat me on the head and tell me not to worry! You're supposed to be kind and affectionate, Kyoya! You're disloyal!" Renge shouted.

Not wanting to hear what he had to say, Renge ran away from the club. The rest of the hosts except for Kyoya and Saiki congregated together, talking amongst each other about what they should do. They obviously didn't mean to make her that upset and they were worried what trouble she would get into on her own.

Kusuo walked over to Kyoya who was picking up the pieces of glass with his hands. He grabbed Kyoya's hands which were cut because of the shimmering, clear pieces.

Let me get a broom or something. You can't keep picking it up, you're already bleeding enough.

Kusuo held the two hands with his own, caressing gently the small cuts on the other's hands. Kyoya stared at Kusuo as he looked down at his hands, worry clear on his face.

Luckily Saiki had shoved the food coloring box in his pocket earlier, so he used Apport to switch those with a box of Band-Aids. He would just have to buy the baking club more coloring later.

What he didn't account for was that the Band-Aids just so happened to be themed. Dora the Explorer themed.

Saiki pulled out the box and took a few out, opening them, and applying them to Kyoya's cuts.

"Do you always carry cartoon Band-Aids around in your pockets?" Kyoya looked at Saiki. They were both situated on the ground, Saiki sitting on the back of his legs while Kyoya sat with his legs crossed.

No, I guess you just got lucky.

"I'm always lucky with you around, Kusuo." Kyoya said. But Saiki clapped back almost immediately.

Really? Then you might as well stay with me forever.

Kyoya stiffened, he was a bit surprised. He wasn't expecting Kusuo to say anything back. He just wanted to see him blush again, even if only slightly. However, what he got was arguably better.

Saiki on the other hand continued to work the bandages onto Kyoya's hands. He was nervous. He had said such a flirtatious thing before he could stop himself. Now, he's wondering if Kyoya felt uncomfortable with his remark.

"I might as well," Kyoya said smiling widely, "if you'll take me."

And that was enough for Kusuo to stop moving his hands all together and glanced up at Kyoya. He was smiling gently at Saiki, a smile Saiki couldn't help but admit was gorgeous.


"Kyoya-senpai! Saiki-senpai! We are going to look for Renge. Would you like to come with us?" Haruhi shouted to them.

They hadn't cleaned up all the glass, but it was in the grass behind the school, so Saiki doubted anyone would get hurt from it.

Honestly, searching for Renge was the last thing he wanted to do, but she most certainly would get into trouble if they left her alone, so he stood up along with Kyoya and joined the group.

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