Cock and Ball Torture

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Saiki mind speaking
Normal talking

Saiki slowly opened his eyes. He was sitting down on a log in the woods somewhere, and he felt someone beside him. He turned to them but couldn't make out their face. They had goggles on and a face mask. He realized that he had goggles and a face mask on too. They were both wearing yellow gloves and poorly cut trash bags.

'Ok I must have joined a cult or something.' Saiki thought. He had figured out by now that he was experiencing another precognition, and he really was starting to get annoyed.

In front of him he saw a large stainless steel pot over a fire surrounded by rocks as the not let the fire spread to the surrounding trees. Large gallons of vinegar sat beside him and this other person on the log, while an empty white medicine shaped bottle sat next to them. Two of those gallon sized water jugs sat down there as well. He looked over to the pot to see something boiling in it, the smell not pleasant.

Suddenly, the person who sat next to Saiki on the log stood up, walked over to the boiling pot, and grabbed a large stick to poke into it. "I think the Lye is working. It's been 4 hours and I don't feel any chunks left." The person said, sounding anything but enthusiastic.

He took the stick back out of the pot and dropped it to the leaf covered ground before making their way over to Saiki. Saiki looked up at the person as they took off their mask. Their goggles had steamed up so he couldn't get a good look of their eyes, but the person leaned down and removed Saiki's mask as well. Kneeling on the dirt floor, their face grew closer and closer to Saiki's. The other's lips were so close, Saiki could feel their warm breath on his own. Their hands intertwined, pressing softly together. And then, his alarm woke him up.

The loud beeping sound echoed throughout Saiki's room as Saiki sat up in his bed. His brows were scrunched as he brought a hand to his lips. It almost seemed like he could still feel that person's breath on his lips again, and for some reason the only name that came to mind was Kyoya's. He didn't know why, he just had a feeling.

The door of his room opened slightly, his mother's head peeking in. Seeing he was awake, Kurumi opened the door wider and stepped in, a look of concern clear on her face. Seeing as he didn't have a reaction to her, she walked over to his alarm and clicked it off. "Ku-chan, is everything alright?" She asked.

I... yeah, just a bad dream.

Kurumi just smiled and pet his head. She ruffled his hair the same way he did Kyoya's the day before. "Breakfast is ready. I don't want you going to school without something in your stomach. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day!" Kurumi said in a calming but excited voice, making sure she didn't raise it too loud.

Saiki nodded as his mother's smile brightened. She walked back out the door to let Saiki change in peace. Once he was, he shuffled tiredly down the stairs and into a kitchen chair. His mood lifted immediately as he saw the small plate of coffee jelly beside his orange juice.


"The Daruma doll fell o...ver! The Daruma doll fell... o...ver!" Tamaki chanted as most of the host club joined in the "commoner's game". Saiki and Kyoya, however, stood back and watched them.

What a ridiculous game.

Kyoya looked at Saiki, a question on his tongue,"Didn't you play games like this when you were a child, Kusuo? Haruhi said it was a popular children's game." Saiki kept his eyes on the hosts in front of him, watching as Tamaki started yelling at the twins because he saw them move.

Saiki in OHSHC (Gay Bitches)Where stories live. Discover now